First Attempt at Addictive Drums, (Gearbox/impulses) InFlames wannabe riffs


Aug 26, 2004
Rochester, NY
here is my first attempt using Addictive Drums, i've been using EZdrummer for about a year or so, so it feels a bit different to try addictive drums, but I like how the drums sound alot better!

just threw some riffs together, sloppy playing i know. just wanted to get a feel for A.D.

The cymbols are going to smash you in the face because I didn't bother mixing up the velocities of the hits.

For guitars i did a TS9 into gearbox's Cali Diamond Plate, with the New_IR impulse. Im not real satisfied with the sound but its a work in progress. I'm still looking for a better melodic death tone with gearbox/impulses.

Let me know what you think so far!
the cymbals gets a bit too loud at parts, IMO

I feel both the kick and snare need to come up on the mix as well

guitars are sounding quite good to my ears, especially for the style of music you're attempting with them... they feel a bit boomy at times to me, tho.
Have to agree with RexRocker that there r too much hi freq at cymbals and hi-hats r too loud. Ayway i think ur drum preset for AD is preety nice. Do you mind to share it ??? Thx in advance.