First Attempt at mixing - Original Metal Song


Dec 26, 2011
Hi guys!

this is my first post on here! i have been lurking in the shadows of the forum trying to gather as many tips and tricks as i could and have tried to put them all together and have a go at recording, mixing and 'mastering' one of my bands tunes.

you can listen to the song here:

recorded the guitars using my peavey valveking pre amp through a bad monkey into my focusrite saphire interface with impulses in logic. Drums are addictive drums and bass is direct.

any help would be awesome, this is as good as i could get!

C4C is anyone would like me to listen to anything!

this is your first mix? im impressed. its definitely listenable. i wish i were qualified to give input. one thing i can say is try to get a better performance out of the musicians.
Thanks for your input guys!

i will go back rerecord any parts that are sloppy and try and get them as tight as i can.

is the idea of raising the high mids to give clarity and 'sparkle'? i think that might be what is missing, the low end is quite strong but the high end is weaker.

what do you guys do when mastering? all i have done is add a limiter to raiser the volume, what other things usually get done during the mastering stage?

thanks again.
I'm surprised this hasn't been pointed out: vocals are very poorly mixed.
Very dry, very up front.

Kick doesn't have very much attack to it, mainly low end.
Snare is okay.
OHs are okay.

Guitar tone ain't bad, actually, for a Valveking straight into your interface.
I'm surprised this hasn't been pointed out: vocals are very poorly mixed.
Very dry, very up front.

Kick doesn't have very much attack to it, mainly low end.
Snare is okay.
OHs are okay.

Guitar tone ain't bad, actually, for a Valveking straight into your interface.

Thanks for the comments!
Would you add more reverb, maybe some chorus to make the vocals sit better? There is some on there but not much. I have had other comments about the kick, so I will add more of 'click' and turn it down a little after. Thanks for the guitar comments.