First Attempt at Wagner (MeloDeath)


Aug 26, 2004
Rochester, NY
I'm not much of a skilled recording person, I just like to play guitar. But I messed around recording a song I wrote today.

I tried for the first time using the Wagner plug-in with Impulses,

I'm not too happy with the mix, (After listening to guys on here lol) but I'm not very good at mixing in general and I'm trying to get better!

I think Im going to re-record it with different guitar tone and get someone to help me mix it

The drums are crappy EZ drummer :(

EDIT: I remixed It a bit and tried a different speaker Impulse, i think this version sounds better
I wrote all the instruments in guitarpro, exported the bass as a midi file and used a bass patch from Reason, so theres no dynamics or real feel to it or, anything haha, im re-re-mixing it with a different snare drum sample again,

I did this for one of my intro to pro-tools classes as a project (but did everything in cubase lol)
I wasn't too keen on the tone, seems a bit fizzy and overall slighty messy, thats in part due to Wagner though I think. On a different note, your playing skills are immense! Tone-wise the leads actually sounded pretty good.