First band I recorded's new music video! Check it out :)

i like how the guitarist can play a breakdown without even picking

sounds rad though!
sounds awesome dude! video is stale, but your production is pretty awesome. i dont know what DAW you use (i use cubase 5) but how did you do that reverse scream sound at 1:40? sounded so awesome and i never figured out how to do it.
Thanks very much mate!

The vocal effect was just getting the vocalist to scream (no particular word or pattern)

I then reversed that, added a ton of reverb, made sure it cut off exactly when it kicked back in.

Need anymore help, let me know and I'll pull up the file for it off my hard drive.

Also, I use Logic 9 :)
Thanks very much mate!

The vocal effect was just getting the vocalist to scream (no particular word or pattern)

I then reversed that, added a ton of reverb, made sure it cut off exactly when it kicked back in.

Need anymore help, let me know and I'll pull up the file for it off my hard drive.

Also, I use Logic 9 :)

That just about answered my question, thanks dude!