First band recording!


New Metal Member
Mar 13, 2011
My friends have this band,and i recorded a song for them,I've kind of recorded before,but this is my first real song I've recorded. feedback please! I'm already prepared for "it sucks" and all that jazz,because its my first time, so try and say something other than that:/
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Where the hell is the kick? It just sounds like a bass thump. In fact, where the hell is the whole kit? All I can hear is like one of the cymbals. If you mic'd this yourself I suggest just going full on programming.
Ooooooook where to begin. Uhhmmm I will begin with advice. The best thing you can do (if you yourself happen to be a guitarist) is just write some shit with drum samples or cover something or even grab mixes people offer on the board here and practice BEFORE you start trying to get bands in. If this is something you want to make a career out of or at least make money on the side of what you do or just even to produce epic shit, then you need to soak in aloooooot of information and do aloooooot of practicing. This forum has been insanely helpful for most of us and you can learn damn near everything you need by looking around. It's not a good idea to burn bridges and earn a reputation of being an ass producer when in reality, you just simply don't have the experience and knowledge YET. People don't have the mentality of "Oh he will get better". They have the mentality of "Wow that dude sucks". Not one local band living even next door will be hitting you up for a demo. Not trying to sound like a dick but I have seen 3 different dudes just in my town do exactly that. Matter of fact, I started doing this shit entirely because all the local "producers" here, burned me and my band and other people. Like I said, I'm just trying to give you some Important advice, not trying to be an ass. Plus for all I know, you don't care about recording quality or any of that. You just did this for the hell of it. But based on the fact that you posted it on the Internet for criticism, I'm assuming you are taking this shit seriously. Which is good lol

Sorry for the wall of text. Anyway, I don't know what to say about the mix honestly. It's a huge mess. Tell me what you used and how you did it and so on and maybe I can help you there. Because this is not fixable in software. Minus the vocals somewhat. They need compression. ALOT of compression.
Thank you! yeah i JUST started recording. I have a line 6 ux1,i use amplitube because pod farm wont work for me.....and i have logic, and ezdrummer+drumagog
I'm gonna be honest, this is messy and needs work. The drums are nearly inaudible, except for the snare, all I can hear is snares rattling and the occasional tap of a cymbal. EZDrummer is definitely not the software for the job, but if that's all you got, that's all you got. Right around 1:53 and 2:08, it sounds like the kick and snare are actually audible, but they're completely different samples and were just thrown in. The vocals are really dry and harsh-sounding, but it sounds more like the vocalists' problem than your problem. The guitar tone is incredibly ratty, undergained and lo-fi sounding, you need a new tone altogether. The playing is also really sloppy, especially those sweep-picking progressions. At 2:36, it sounds like the rhythm tracks are mono. I can't hear any sort of bass track, either. If you have a UX1, you ought be using pod farm. Reinstall the drivers if it doesn't work.