first home mastering with clipping

Why would you want your clip to sound flatter?
It sound quite well at this stage and sounds compressed enough in my opinion.
But hey if you really wish to destroy the song a little more I suggest you use parallel compression and automate that parallel track when certain sudden dynamics hits full scale.
Might happen on some snare hits.

I'll explain what is parallel compression and how I achieve it if you need.
well, it was such a new thing to me that i didn't quite know that was that "enough" but if it really does sound loud enough without sounding ass then i guess i did somewhat okay there.. That's a pretty neat thing that clipping does quite wonders to the drums
for programmed drums, insted of using a clipper on the more percussive stuff, i suggest editing your samples so you manually cut the start of the attack and make those sample almost click as they hit. Then you can compress them so the initial click your getting gets accentuated and starts hitting your face like a baseball bat. It doesn't sound natural, but still gets as punchy as an electro clap sound or a percussive trance vocal sample. If you still wish to clip the sound afterward, you still can, and the result will be simply ridiculously snappy. Afterwards, I suggest working with no master bus compression or clipping for an optimum sound and to maintain all that punch youv'e been working on.