First major mix/master ... feedback?

Its okay. I've gotta a few things i have to say about the mix. The first thing is the guitar sounds muddy. The vocals sounds way to roomy and laid back. They gotta be up in the front. Did you EQ them at all?
The first thing is the guitar sounds muddy.

that's how the they should sound in this genre.

bass glues very good with the guitars. sounds like it is built in the guitar wall. nice:)

maybe try to give the vocals a bit more dirt (for example by ONLY SLIGHTLY adding a distorted copy of the vocal track). But that's up to you.


Think about the balance between the instruments. The drums should be more present. I compared your track to ''green machine'' by ''Kyuss''. The balance in ''green machine'' is perfectly done for my taste.
A bit more punch on the snare drum would be cool, too.
Cheers Neon... Snare can be easily altered, as its SD replaced .... vocally I'll do a slightly distorted track and mix that in.

Really appreciate the feed back, even though its a less common genre of music.

The fact that its 8 string guitar through a Orange ThunderVerb200 and a bass cab would be a reason that it sounds 'muddy'.