First Metal Mix. Please feedback your opinion!


New Metal Member
Oct 23, 2010
Hey dudes!

This is my first Mix, recorded in our little band rehearsal room.

I think it´s a good mix for my first time, but the sound isn´t wide enough. I´m a mixing beginner and I´ll have to learn a lot. So I would be very grateful for any suggestion for improvement.
Thanks !!!

Guitars: ENGL Powerball + 4x V30 cabinet with a THE T.BONE MB75 (copy of SM57)
Bass: AMPEG SVT 3 + 4x 10“ cabinet with the THE T.BONE MB75 + DI
Drums: Superior Drummer
Vocals: SHURE SM58 V2.4.mp3
this is good for ur first time.
but i would turn the volume of cymbals dooown
i dunno how to widen the mix.. maybe someone here knows this ;)
I would say you have to add some highs to the guitars ..and i would work on the snare ;)