First mix using SD/Metal Foundry


New Metal Member
Jun 26, 2011
Hi all,
Been using various drum programs but decided to sink my teeth into SD.

SD Metal Foundry - Modified Andy Sneap patch.

Double tracked TSE x30 with a TSS before it. Awesometime impulses
2 more tracks with a 7170 amp, same impulses.

My biggest complaint is the volume, it seems way too quiet, and not 100% happy with other aspects, but then again, i'm never happy with my work!

Edit: the kickdrum is a bit on the loud side too..

Any advice would be fantastic.
"My biggest complaint is the volume, it seems way too quiet" Try using a comp for my punch. turn up the GAIN on the comp and it'll definitely get louder. It honestly sounds right out of the box, im not very happy w the default tone of Metal foundry but after tweaking it can sound great. I really like the idea and creativity of the song (neat synths) But i advise you just like a lot of us on here, use SD 2.0 cymbals and blend kick,snare,tom samples. Buy some type of Trigger software ( Trigger, Aptrigga, drumagog) and then ssd samples. If you dont have the $$$ there are ton of great samples posted by users on here, huge drums sample collection.