First mix, what do you guys think?


Jul 14, 2010
Hey dudes, just only started out doing this stuff, been reading around.
And thought i'd put it into practise, did a cover of Hardest Fight by Confession.
Only took around 30-45 minutes.
I know the drums sound horrible, but eh! tell me what i can improve on, i have ear fatique from "trying" to mix.
Cubase, Addictive Drums, Podfarm.
(please excuse the overpowering midi bass -.-, to lazy to change it atm, will change when more critiques)

what mix is better? fight fullmix.mp3
or beg full mix down.mp3

Cheers guys
Well, it's not very tight playing-wise, but I liked the second one, drums sounded better and the guitar tone was pretty cool. You should try to get the bass played on a real bass, it'll make it sound so much better.
haha yeah, theyre just covers i learnt whilst recording, just to get the jist of the recording / mixing thing.
but i've really understood that bass for this sortve genre is so important.. to open up the mix more and making it sound bigger..
thanks dude, i was pretty iffy about the guitar tone on the second one..
i really need to invest in a bass..
Edit - Got it.

Sounds pretty good (second one). Bass does need a bit more presence though?
Kick sounds.. fake. But I'm not a big fan of the "clicky-fake" kick.
cheers man, looks like i will be mixing more like the second clip, i was always iffy about the guitar tone and the mix, sounded abit dry to me
yeah definitely, it ceases to exist.. next time i will try borrow a bass, instead of trying to boost the low end on the midi bass haha.
drums are a work in progress still, still need to learn how to humanize them etc velocity and quantizing.