First mix with Slate VTM! Belgian death metal (SM7/GAP73/AxeFX/La610/UAD/AC1/VTM)


des scoubidoubidous wha !
Jan 15, 2007
Hi guys,

Been a while since my last metal mix. I could use some feedback!!

This one has VTM all over it. 16track on normal bias, 30ips and GP9 tape. Hit round 0db, expect on the guitars where it's a bit lower.

On the master, the 2track also on GP9, bias high/30ips. The master also has the UAD SSL bus compressor and the pultec on it. Then Oxford inflator and limiter.

Guitars are Axe-FX->LA610.
I also spread McDSP AC1 on all tracks.

Cymbals are fighting the guitars. Intro is a little cloudy for me. When the verse comes in it sounds much better. I think the guitars need to be a little brighter unless you're going for the distant guitar sound. Mix Little Mid heavy. Great job on the vocals. Very aggressive.
i agree about the vocals. they are a little high in the mix and sounding a bit dry. What's the plugin chain for your vocal bus?

But other than that, it's a great mix. And the song itself is pretty cool.
mix sounds scooped in the lower mid area, like someone took a bite. using the old boost+attenuate the lows-trick with the pultec are we? don't like it too much on full mixes, it's tits on bass and kick but on a full mix it just makes it sound like something's wrong with my ears. vocals stick out and has a 5-6k edge and some 3-4k grittyness that everything else lacks, making them sound out of place. snare sounds really robotic in places, albeit well mixed except for those 400-700 hertz you should have scooped before compressing. in general: killer mix! things flow together throughout the song and elements are fairly coherent. a few things stick out (like the double tracked vocals in the chorus), and the general tone of it all is a bit 90s/bedroom with 21th century roboticness. i'll give it 3½ toasters out of 5.
I'd cut that vocal intro out, his style of singing really doesn't sound good in solo like that. Not that he's bad, he just has a "quiet" way of doing his gutturals, so it sounds pretty wimpy in solo IMO. But if they really want it in there I'd at least double track it.
good call on the vocals guys, i turned them down and tamed some of those peaks. the soundcloud link is updated with a new version!

i agree about the vocals. they are a little high in the mix and sounding a bit dry. What's the plugin chain for your vocal bus?

But other than that, it's a great mix. And the song itself is pretty cool.

the chain is VTM->AC1->highpass->2 1176 (one super fast, one much slower)->pultec eq->de-esser

mix sounds scooped in the lower mid area, like someone took a bite. using the old boost+attenuate the lows-trick with the pultec are we? don't like it too much on full mixes, it's tits on bass and kick but on a full mix it just makes it sound like something's wrong with my ears. vocals stick out and has a 5-6k edge and some 3-4k grittyness that everything else lacks, making them sound out of place. snare sounds really robotic in places, albeit well mixed except for those 400-700 hertz you should have scooped before compressing. in general: killer mix! things flow together throughout the song and elements are fairly coherent. a few things stick out (like the double tracked vocals in the chorus), and the general tone of it all is a bit 90s/bedroom with 21th century roboticness. i'll give it 3½ toasters out of 5.

thanks for all the details! actually there is not pultec on the master

I'd cut that vocal intro out, his style of singing really doesn't sound good in solo like that. Not that he's bad, he just has a "quiet" way of doing his gutturals, so it sounds pretty wimpy in solo IMO. But if they really want it in there I'd at least double track it.

I agree... it's a bit thin. unfortunatly i cant track a double anymore.

big thanks to everybody who check the mix out!!
I also feel like the snare is a bit too smacky, it makes the mix "squat" when being hit. You also might wanna make the toms a tad louder to sound more in balance with the snare during the drum fills.
Yeah, snare is too smacky for my liking. I can barely make out the tom fills when the song's in full swing...
The cymbals are a little too buried for my liking, but I understand that trends are going that way. Personally, I'd like a little more definition in them.
Yeah, snare is too smacky for my liking. I can barely make out the tom fills when the song's in full swing...
The cymbals are a little too buried for my liking, but I understand that trends are going that way. Personally, I'd like a little more definition in them.

right on! i unsmacked that snare a bit and rode the toms automation in the faster parts.
Just listening now, I'm liking the snare more. At 1:49 the 3rd tom level is very low compared to the others (the drummer does a 16th note fill from Tom1, to Tom2, Tom3 (quiet), and Tom4).
The wide vox section around 2:18 seem to bury everything too.
The vox intro sounds like he's inhaling, that whole inward vox there anything more you can do with it?
Just listening now, I'm liking the snare more. At 1:49 the 3rd tom level is very low compared to the others (the drummer does a 16th note fill from Tom1, to Tom2, Tom3 (quiet), and Tom4).
The wide vox section around 2:18 seem to bury everything too.
The vox intro sounds like he's inhaling, that whole inward vox there anything more you can do with it?

you got good ears! that tom was a bit low and the next one had a bit too much attack. about that intro i am bit out of ideas.
you got good ears! that tom was a bit low and the next one had a bit too much attack. about that intro i am bit out of ideas.

Cheers, I just got the ATH-M50s today and they're already serving me very well! :) Great mix by the way.
I suppose the only other thing you could really do (if the band were open to it) would be an effect on the vox-solo at the start (megaphone, something stylish with a good eq or alter their pitch perhaps, maybe give them some more air), so when the song kicks in, the regular vox hit the listener at the same time. Bigger impact. Something to make it a little more interesting.
Cheers, I just got the ATH-M50s today and they're already serving me very well! :) Great mix by the way.
I suppose the only other thing you could really do (if the band were open to it) would be an effect on the vox-solo at the start (megaphone, something stylish with a good eq or alter their pitch perhaps, maybe give them some more air), so when the song kicks in, the regular vox hit the listener at the same time. Bigger impact. Something to make it a little more interesting.

pitch shifting was the key!
i made a copy of the lead vocal, pitched it down, delayed one side and sent to the verb. it beefs the intro up a bit.

i am rebouncing and reuploading in a minute.

hum... the mastering is "straching" a bit now especially in the end. i'll have to fix that.