First Mixes Ever Done, Please Give Me Tips.

Jul 8, 2012
All of this is digital equipment, so bear with me. I followed some advice on youtube and took my own ears into this, and I hate the way it came out, but I love that I'm getting someplace. I just joined this forum in the hopes to get somewhere with my mixes, so tell me what you think of these three. The drums are Steven Slate(With my own personal samples), the guitars are double tracked through 4 mixer slots(two for High Filter, two for Low Filter), no bass guitar.

Also, disregard the clean vocalist, he's our ex now(as obvious as you will know when you hear it), and the screaming vocalist, I have yet to understand how to mix the vocals properly.

These are listed in order of when they were done, so you can sort of get a progression.

One last thing to leave you guys with is, I have a problem with volume, my mixes tend to come out low in the rendering, and I want to raise the volume without needing to raise gain.
I started out in Studio One. Really, the drums were not what I was expecting to hear about. How would I give them more presence? (Sorry, but I'm going to be asking a lot of questions from here on out).
Well, the drums were hardly there. There's quite a bit you need to fix on this, but I think you'll get the basics okay.
Okay so on that template.
Your snare is panned to the right? Bring it back to the center or if you want to be one of those people pan it slightly to the left because your toms are coming from the drummers perspective.
You need to take your High tom and pan it about halfway to the left, your middle tom leave it close to center, maybe slightly to the left or right, and then your Low tom about halfway to the right side.
Give your kick more "click" if you will, do an eq boost around 2 k, give it a decently wide Q.
Control your cymbals. Some of those bastards are louder than others, and leave your china panned to the right side since it seems like you're trying to do the drummers perspective.
Trash those guitars, they aren't recorded clean enough. Track them twice, and pan on of them all the way to the left and the other to the right, and level as needed. If you want, duplicate those tracks and layer them about 3/4 of the way left and right in the same fashion. Is there a bass in there somewhere?