first new post since downtime...


lil miss metal
Nov 6, 2003
Visit site

musta gone down just after I went to bed last night. again. let's see who gets here second...
10 points for deron!!! ^_^ haven't seen you here before though. n00bie?

*goes one better*
ah. my bad. :oops: I knew I recognised the name from somewhere. been busy so don't get on to often. what happened to mark?

oh, and they're not kewl pics, they're bored pics! :p the kewl pics come later.
Mark's still around. I've known Mark for few years and we've become good friends, so when he was looking to hand the site over he asked me, and I accepted :) Can't let 'ol tank out!
thanks for getting us back up and running btw. ({) not too often I get a day off to bludge on UM nowadays. :(

p.s. I don't have to post a pic in this post too do I? I'm running out of silly ones. 'sides, what does the boss look like anyway?
:err: work silly! how old do you think I am? (admittedly some of these pics are from last year). I edited last post btw, in case you missed it.
symhony x? :yuk: guess I shouldn't say that cos I haven't really heard 'em, but they're power metal, right?

one of the most recent pics o' me.

nice to meet you deron. :wave:
college? ah, uni(versity). finished high school last year but won't be going to uni for another 1-3 years depending on how apprentiship works out. *was thinking 'high school' not 'college' when you said "school age"*
I wouldn't call SymX power metal really... they're too amazing for that label :) Power Metal here and there but more so Symphonic Prog Metal... very musical band, killer vocals. Everything. Definitely differ from Antimatter though, just a little haha.

Nice to meet you too ___hername___!
hehe. ^_^ oh, it's chantelle btw. I will have to check out this symphX then. I like some parts of power metal but usually the cheesiness gets to me. here's hoping they have all the right parts then. what albums are worth listening to?