First outboard pre's. BLA A12 (API style) vs. GAP 73 (Neve style)


Mar 24, 2007
Fife, Scotland
Hey guys,

I'm currently looking into picking up a couple of preamps to give me something different to my profire/onyx pre's.

I've been looking at the GAP 73 and the Black Lion Audio A12, and while I plan on having a pair of each later down the line I'm trying to figure out what would be better to buy first.

Anyone here got some API and Neve pre's and have an opinion on which would be best to buy first?
Don't have any firsthand experience, but I'll be making the same decision very soon. I'd check over at gearslutz. There's probably a thousand threads over there about just that question...
When I checked these two out it seems the BLA is a bit of a pain to get to the UK whereas the GAP is for sale in quite a few places over here. Wish they would make everything slightly more accessible to us!
Yeah, I've been reading Gearslutz but tbh there's alot of people on that forum that talk absolute shite. ESPECIALLY when it comes to preamps! For example here's some of the reply's to Mesa4x12er's preamp shootout on GS:

"1) distant and washed
2) present groovy and compressed
3) similar to 2, more noisy"

(groovy? what the hell does groovy mean in the context of talking about preamps? 1 certainly didn't sound distant and washed to me either, it sounded bright as hell compared to the other 2!)

"the chandler sounded thick, smooth, and 3D."
(posted after the pre's were revealed. Again to my ears it didn't sound thick at all! Especially when compread to the Neve)

"I like #1 which sounded warm compare to others."
(as above)

"1. NEVE (enhanced lows, clear midrange)
2. CHANDLER (steel in midrange)
3. API (homogenous and distant)"

(wtf does "steel in midrange" mean? and I certainly didn't think the API sounded distant!)

So yeah, I don't really trust GS opinions too much really. Folks on here seem much more likely to talk about what they're actually hearing rather than just spouting random gibberish.

From that shootout I can certainly live with either flavour on guitars. The API is a bit more upfront and aggressive sounding whereas the Neve is darker and thicker sounding. Both sound really good though.

I'm more curious about which would be better for drums/vox/bass really.
When I checked these two out it seems the BLA is a bit of a pain to get to the UK whereas the GAP is for sale in quite a few places over here. Wish they would make everything slightly more accessible to us!

Yeah looks like for the BLA you need to order from Alto Music in the US and get yourself a 230v-24v ac adapter from somewhere. Shouldn't be too hard to find I expect (though if anyone's already sourced one that will work then please let me know)
:lol:Yeah eff listening to just about anybody on GS. I was just hoping they'd have some audio samples you could check out. A lot of people over there are complete idiots.
I had looked at the 7th circle stuff but it seemed a bit expensive to me considering you're having to buy the chassis, power supply etc and build it all yourself.
I would spent a big more and get a UA if you want some colour.
I have a GAP and a UA710 and I haven't used the GAP since I got the UA, not that the GAP didn't work wonders with a SM7 because it totally does I just like the UA a little more
Wow, same boat as me. These are the exact pre's I'm looking to get over the course of my next few projects. Also planning on getting a pair of each too! I'll probably go for the BLA's first.

Seems hard to find any info on the power supplies for the BLA. I reckon if you mail them they'll recommend something suitable. Always sucks looking for power supplies for audio gear. Between voltage, watts needed, ac/dc type and connector type it always seems sites are lacking in the info required. Need one for my Joe Meek VC3 and can't seem to find something that fits the bill that doesn't cost like 50euro.
I always prefer 1073 style pre's over api style pre's on guitar and vox. I have a 3124 and Great River me1nv. and the great river always wins over the api on guitar and vox. the harmonics the 1073 style pre's add to the guitar and vox just sound great and seem to sit better in the mix for me. I think i have a reamp test here I did comparing the two I'll see if I can find it so you can check it out. it might give you a idea of the differences.

our guitarist has a gap73 and I've used it and it sounds really good, esp for the $.
bla has a 1073 pre coming out too but I'm not sure when
I'd save and buy a great channel strip. Sell either the profire or onyx and put some money towards it - I don't see the point in adding one average mic amp to what you have. Emprical Labs do an amazing channel strip. Audient Mico is cheap and has digital outs too.
I'd save and buy a great channel strip. Sell either the profire or onyx and put some money towards it - I don't see the point in adding one average mic amp to what you have. Emprical Labs do an amazing channel strip. Audient Mico is cheap and has digital outs too.

If I sell the Onyx then I'll only have my Profire pre's and whatever channel strip I buy, not exactly ideal for recording drums unless I start using my Behringer for more than triggers and guide tracks (I'd rather not do that tbh because it's pretty noisy)

I do have my eye on a Trident stereo pre & eq on ebay, though I doubt it'll still be there once I've got the cash together. I'm ok for compression really as I've got a few DBX's and will probably be building a 1176 sometime this year aswell.
might be worth it to check out seventh circle audio if your a diy'er at all :p you can have a good range of preamps all in one 2U unit. they sell them prebuilt but thats no fun haha

They're very popular at the minute but I know if I bought a DIY kit I'd never finish it. They're not that cheap either when you put the whole kit, chassis, and power supply together. Plus if you get a rack with space for a few extra pres you've got to build more to get your moneys worth even if you didn't enjoy building the first one.
I'm pretty much in the same position. I did quite a bit of reading on them all, and here's what i decided.
I did not find 1 bad review on it. Nobody had anything bad to say about it. People said all over that it was a complete steal for the money.
The GAP on the other hand...
Everyone raves about how good 1073 preamps are. Surely, there is a reason for why everyone talks so good about them.
Some people have very good things to say about the GAP 73, and some people have some bad things. The good definitely outweighed the bad. However, most of the bad comments led back to the unit's lack of high end clarity, and apparently it has a high noise level at high gain settings.
For me, the point of getting an external preamp other than my profire preamps, was so that I had at least 1 high quality preamp that i could rely on to give a professional, clear sound. Obviously it will take time to develop a preference of api vs neve style preamps, so I figured it just made sense to go with the unit that seemed to be built with more quality and a good reputation.
Not that the GAP has a bad reputation, but BLA has a GREAT reputation, and (from reviews) the BLA unit just seemed more about quality.