First Paid Job! Metalcore EP from Australia. Need feedback!


Aug 26, 2010
Brisbane, Australia
hey guys,
this was my first real job so i would like some feedback on how you guys think i did!

We Are The Ones

its double tracked. ESP's w/EMG's> Presonus Firebox>TS>LePou_456>LeCab with the free Recabinent Greenback loaded 1960A. Blended the 6L6 57 edge (1 was 1" off the grill, the other 2") with a D6 for bottom end on both.

Bass is Amplitube double tracked one clean one dirty. I think its a little loud in the breakdown though :(

Drums are Ezdrummer DFH. Bought it a while back but am upgrading to SP2 when these guys pay me :)
I replaced the kick with a DWP kick i sampled, snare is sturgis snare, as well as the toms. Cymbals are all DFH.

Vocals are just a Senheisser Dynamic. Screamer didnt want to use a condenser so i said okay, be it on your head if it sound muddy, turned out okay i think!

They didnt want the clean vocals up front for some reason.

Monitored it in a untreated room with Yamaha HS80M's so if the bass is not amazing that's why. i need to get some acoustic foam asap!

Would love some feedback guys!
Cheers Arin,
realy nice my man :)
tho the oh arent my cup of tea - I say upgrade your dfh :)

imo the snare should pop a little more

any chance you share this kick sample with us?
Sounds nice! I like it, I think in the breakdown there's too much reverb on the vocals though, which divides it from the music too much imo. But yea, I'm not an expert, I can't even mix, it's just an opinion. :)
Reverb or Delay?
Could be less but it's in there to thicken it up a little!
Any ideas on getting the snare to pop more?
Glad to hear good feedback :)
Would love some more!
Cheers guys!

Ps will share the kick if more people want it!
Hey dude. Good job, I can dig it for sure. Agree about the verb, apart from that, sounds good! the bass grind is annoying me, seems almost like a fart not so much a grind. HS80M huh? I'm planning on buying them myself, how you liking them?
where is that snare man? no level and no "body". try boosting the shit out of it like 200hz and raising volume. all you can basicly hear is the kick! damn, that joey sturgis has fucked up the metal scene of today.
Man totally know what your saying about the snare. I was thinking of dupliacting my snare track to get more body and volume. The snare is too cracky and thin and I reckon if I blend it with a dry one it will regain it's body and true sound rather than the compressed sound it has now.

The HS80m's are awesome man!! You won't regret it one bit.

With the bass grind, I think it sits well in the verse's and stuff but that breakdown it just sticks out too much :(

So do you guys suggest I drop the level of the reverb/delay in the overall mix or just drop back the wetness of the accented parts?

Thanks so much for the feedback!!
where is that snare man? no level and no "body". try boosting the shit out of it like 200hz and raising volume. all you can basicly hear is the kick! damn, that joey sturgis has fucked up the metal scene of today.

dfh's snare's are suck
the mix is one a nice way, but it sounds raw and a bit unbalanced to me.
why the hell did you let the vocalist decide which mic to use dude? ;)
vocals dont sound that bad though...actually a pretty good screamer imo, but did he cup the mic at some spots?
bass and guitar don't go that good together (guitars are too think i think) and the kick sample doesnt seem to be sliced/cut very good, which is audible at the part around 0:50, dunno if you want to work on that
snare is there most of the time, but could use some work
overall quite cool, but with a bit of work it could also turn into very nice!