First Paid job, very close to final mix


Dec 18, 2006
Hi guys, I've been working on this, there's only some back vocals missing, so I decided to start the mixing work, just to see what can be done so far.

The Only thing that bugs me, is the kick not having the same punch as the snare/toms, The kick is superior, Snare and Toms are sampled by me, guess I have to sample the kick also....

What do you think that can eventually be wrong or what do you think it may need?

Thank in advance


Problems with the mix:

1.) Snare
a. too dry - Add reverb or add more
b. boost 5-8k (just a tad)
2.) Kick
a. too clicky - lower high's
3.) Guitars
a. fuzzy - take away 4k
b. too dynamicyish - I would throw a limiter on it
c. Turn them up a little
4.) Vocals
a. Turn down volume a little more

Try that....Good mix overall though

EDIT: when taking away 4k, use narrow Q so that it doesn't take out too much of the hi's....
Very appreciated for your reply, and thanks for the help.

Someone said me earlier that the guitars are a bit over gainy, I start to think that too, so I'll try to re-amp them with less gain, and if needed then I'll lower the 4k area (you're hearing the guitars only with HP and LP).
As for the dynamics, I don't think it is a problem, maybe I would put a tiny C4 (the Sneap way) but nothing more.

As for the Drums, I'll blend the kick with another, still not 100% happy with this one, then the snare I'm always afraid of putting too much verb.

I would like to hear some moar opinions...

*Le bump*

Added the vocals that were missing, and changed some bits

Added Punch to the kick, just with a transient designer, used Dominion for this.
Played a bit with Ozone and C4 specially on the drums track.
Played around a bit with some things in the Master chain also.
Turned vocals a tad down.
Did what you said on the Snare
Some other cunt hairs that I don't remember...

Would like some feedback now!

No one?

Dudes, seriously more than 200 views and only one guy offered help? and Nobody commented the 2nd mix I did after?

Damn, is it that nasty?
Hello. Personally, I think your mix could really benefit from a more "in-your-face" polished snare sample. During the cleanly sung verses, I would also turn down the vocals a bit more. His vocals there don't sit well and the tone of them is fairly boring during that section. Not your fault, just the tone of his voice in that range isn't very pleasant. Otherwise, I can't nit-pick any further. Good luck.
*Le bump*

Added the vocals that were missing, and changed some bits

Added Punch to the kick, just with a transient designer, used Dominion for this.
Played a bit with Ozone and C4 specially on the drums track.
Played around a bit with some things in the Master chain also.
Turned vocals a tad down.
Did what you said on the Snare
Some other cunt hairs that I don't remember...

Would like some feedback now!



I agree that the vocals sound a bit rough in some areas, it's just performance tone though. I'd even go as far as to put a doubler on it to cover it up slightly.

The snare could have either a bit more reverb to it, or a longer tail. It sounds a little short. Lot of 200hz area but it could do with some 6k to get a nice snap out of it. Maybe filter out some of the boxyness at 500hz. Around the 2.15 mark it sounds like there's a snare roll in the overheads but not in the snare track?

The kick sounds good, but it could have less high end on it. It's clicky but i'd put this music in a style which would benefit from more thud than click. Take at least a few DB off the 4-10k.

Guitars, I'd add a little 2k to get some sharp sounds in there. Sounds good though, could come up slightly as the drums are a little loud overall. Either guitars up, or vocals/drums down.

Hope this helps. Sounds good man
The Drums seem to be more upfront than the guitars, although i think this perception is created by the very rough drumsounds and not so rough guitarsound (thus the drums just pushing the guitars back), so either smooth out the drum sounds for a more polished feel or rough up the guitars for a more gritty feel, although i'd prefer the rough sound myself but think the more polished way would sound better to more people.

Then again the vocals are rough at parts and the clean vox need some autotune (its a bitch but we are just used to perfect intonated singing), overall i think it can be summed up to one statement:

good mix, but its missing glue because the sounds do not have the same "roughness" to them, the rough vox and drums fit together but the more polished guitars do not glue with the rest
Very fuckin' thanks for your replys!

I sampled the snare note by note and the "power snare" (however you called it) I think was a bit distorted, not on purpose but by mistake as I tracked it with x gain in the mics and checked them, but then the drummer sampled it even louder, lolz. But it's not that distorted that you can notice.
But as for the reverb, I even sometimes think it's too much, I'm a guy that has afraid of snare verb hahaha.
Those rolls are suposed to sound like that, and are not in the OH, they are with very low velocity samples.

The vocals were double tracked, so I don't think I need to use a doubler, only used in a couple of phrases in another songs just because the doubled was shit.
The autotune was fucking me up because it was detecting the notes in a shitty way so I couldn't tune them right so I decided not to use it in the more rough melodic voices like the ones you hear at 33sec, and also didn't autotuned the ones at 2:42 because I think it would take out the soul of the bass player's voice (he is the one singing here), I think they are pretty good like this.

As for the kick I will blend a sample with another one I did and see how it sounds, but I don't know how to get it right how the music asks for it, and if I low the highs it starts to sound like "dead" to me.

I will reamp the guitars because I think they are a bit too overgained, so I will make them even more polished, but don't know how can I polish the drums more at this point.

I will try and make something, and again, thanks for the replies!
Thanks guys, think I will go with this last one as the definitive one!

The only changes I'm going to make it's reamping the guitars with less gain and automate some things here and there.

Cyanide, I like the snare punchy as it is! I was trying to get a tase of like a Oh, Sleeper feel to the snare.

And I'll check that brightness thing in the Master