First Post Help My Tone/Mix

The noisy intro is cool, but too long for my taste. The drums are very dry and raw/robotic sounding. The guitars have WAY too much low-end going on, they sound incredibly muddy are you hi-passing them?
The noisy intro is cool, but too long for my taste. The drums are very dry and raw/robotic sounding. The guitars have WAY too much low-end going on, they sound incredibly muddy are you hi-passing them?

+1 to everything here. Try adding more reverb to your kit to open the mix up a little--turn up the snare too!. Also, the entire mix sounds like there isn't much compression going on anywhere. Have you experimented with compression on this mix at all yet? (I.E. on each instrument itself, any sends, and on the master). EZ Drummer samples are pretty lifeless and it takes a pretty good amount of work to get them human sounding. I think you have a good starting point right here. Your lead playing is great by the way!
The noisy intro is cool, but too long for my taste. The drums are very dry and raw/robotic sounding. The guitars have WAY too much low-end going on, they sound incredibly muddy are you hi-passing them?

thats my main beef. the guitars sound really muddy. really don't know much about eq but i cut the high frequencies to get rid of the hiss. could it be that i cut too much? could you tell me what high passing them is? i use reaper and ozone 4.
This is hi-passing: