First Post/Mix Pointers?


Jul 8, 2006
Hey everyone....ive been lurking the forum for a couple weeks and absorbed a TON of usefull info. Ive been recording alot of stuff recently and i just wanted to get some oppinions from you guys as to how you thought the overall mix is. Any tips, constructive criticism, destructive criticism, who cares. Anyway thanks alot in advance. This is an AWSOME forum!!!! :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :headbang: :headbang:
The mix sounds pretty good. I think the kick could use some more thunder. The main problem that I would work on would be the mastering. I'm assuming you did the master buss limiting and what not. I'd say you might have gone a bit too far, as the snare gets lost a bit, the kick isn't thumping through in the slower bits, but is creating a ducknig effect in some of the heavy parts, though it's also getting lost in some parts.
So maybee you need some more lowend in the kick, turn the kick and snare up a bit, maybee even turn the guitars down a bit, then don't slam as hard. You could get some better results if you soft limit first, then hard limit with another limiter.

Good track, enjoyed it.

Digitech 2101 preamp, Peavey classic 60, cheap ibanez 2x12. There is very little going on in terms of limiters and such on this song cause im afraid i dont know how to do that stuff. Most of what you hear is a slight EQ. I added some compression to the guitars to even things out and i dropped out some of the low end to take away the boom. Im mixing on garage band though haha so i dont have too much to work with. Thanks again guys, and i could someone explain the limiter and all that kinda stuff if there is time, or maybe ill try a search cause i dont really know how it all works.
The kick and snare are the only things "missing" here, everything else sounds pretty damn good. I think probably lowering the volume of the guitars would help tremendously, and make the entire mix "perfect". Give it a go.
