First Recorded Track - I need some tips please.


New Metal Member
Apr 16, 2011

I'm rather new to recording/mixing and I have tried my hand at doing a cover song for practice by Abandon All Ships! (I understand they aren't exactly the most technical band but I just needed something simple.)
I'm very sorry if this is a bit of a n00b thread but i've tried lots of tips off this forum and was wondering what else I could do to bring out the sound a bit more.

This was recorded in Logic Express 9.
I used the POD X3 for the guitars and used it as the interface as well, I quad-tracked the guitars and EQ'd them a bit.
I understand the synth is lacking a lot but this was more about the guitar, bass and drums really. So if I can get any input on how I could improve, that would be fantastic, again i'm very sorry if this a newb-move, thank you for your time.
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The synth is way too loud compared to other instruments.

Guitars are muffled and muddy, they don't have a nice definition. Try high passing them around 70 to 100hz and lowpassing around 10khz. Maybe lower the gain, no need to quadtrack unless you know what you are doing, even if I can guess playing is tight form what I hear even if it's hard to tell with this sound. Try using only one track on each side.

The kick is pumping a lot, the comp on it is too extreme. Overall, if the guitars were a little lower compared to the drum, it will help them shine more and it would make it easier. On contrary to the kick, you could compress the snare just a little bit more to make it "smack" more "in your face".

What is the bass ? I can't hear it so well,

No problem for being a "newb". We've had really worst starts here. :)
Oh and BTW, this thread should be posted in "Rate my mix/tone thread" since it's more about mix criticism/judging and not actual production tips. Dunno if you can move it, you can ask a mod to do it.
Thank you very much for helping me out, i'll be sure to post it in the right forum next time, I wasn't entirely sure about where to put it.
Strangely enough, I did lowpass at 96 hz and I highpassed at about 10.2khz, maybe i'll just pull down a little bit more bottom end to put some clarity into the tone.
The bass is there, but I must say, whenever I bounce the track it just loses all audible-ness, i'll try and do something about that.
I'll get rid of the quad tracks and just bring the guitars up slightly because you really can't hear the guitar at all with the extra two tracks.
thank you very much for helping me though. :)