First Recording for money...

Jan 30, 2011
Hey guys!

Long time reader on this forum (3 years) for random reasons, first time posting.

I built a setup specifically to record my own demos for my band "apparitions". Being strapped for cash people who had heard the demos I did were offering cash to be recorded so to catch up on bills I just recently started to do it. Frustrating but I love it for some reason.

So here's the first song I've done of someone else but myself, and I'm ready for any and all criticism. Charade (Mix 2 Mastered Two-Faced Charade).mp3

Let me know what u think.
I think the panned snare sounds awkward, whole mix feels unbalanced to the right actually. Also the vocals might be buried too much.
weird. snare was panned slightly to the right maybe that did it. i can't seem to hear the right side imbalance besides that. i tried to use iozotope for mastering to make it louder, i wonder if somehow i jerked it to the right in there by mistake.
Sounds too squashed for my taste.
The panning seems a little extreme, especially those toms. The snare also sounds a little too distant and weird to me. I kinda prefer them to be a little snappier and in your face. Sounds almost like an industrial sample currently.
I like the bass sound. Very meaty and powerful. It stands out, maybe a little too much. I think you can make it stand out better by EQ'ing the elements better so that it cuts through with EQ rather than volume. A small hi pass might also clear the low end of the mix a little bit.
It's a cool tune. I dig the vocals. Btw I'm pretty sure this should be in "Rate my mix" sub-forum.
hmm. not sure what u mean. im using a limiter on the master track but i dont know anything about a hi pass filter, I really feel like an idiot right now.

still working with addictive drums, i personally like it, but am open to suggestion.