The Nightmare Has Begun..

Nightmare Records is a label that is always looking for technical, yet melodic Progressive Metal bands. Lance King himself is a big fan and a singer in this genre; I suppose you know him from Avian and Pyramaze. Although Nightmare Records is a pretty young label they released a lot of outstanding CD's and I'm sure more is yet to come. A band that received my attention was Six Minute Century. One look of the cover was enough to realize this must be a Progressive Metal band. Looking for more background information on the Internet confirmed my idea about the band.

This CD takes off with the first of ten highlights, 'Under The Moonlight'. The classic Bach (the one and only founder of Heavy Metal!) organ is the mystic start of this release. This mighty intro is followed by a heavy load riff, supported by an incredible powerful and devastating basic line performed by a fantastic drum session and bass guitars. This rhythm feels great, obliging your head to move along. The first notes are so overwhelming that I can't believe my ears, especially when I hear the godlike vocals of Chuck Williams. This song contains a fantastic atmosphere; in some parts I have the feeling I am in the middle of some incredible fantasy movie.

The samples, used to create this mood, are extremely well chosen. The refrain 'Under The Moonlight' and the guitar parts keep on playing in my head. I hear so much remarkable things in this one song, heading from one surprise to another. As a matter of fact it is too much to write about. Chuck Williams, the singer, is unknown to me but he's already one of my favorites! This charismatic lad has an outstanding voice with an unbelievable wide range. His vocal sound is superb; the way he's able to sing with very high notes is amazing! You can easily compare this man with Ray Alder (Fates Warning), James LeBrie (Dream Theater) and Kelly Carpenter (Outworld, Beyond Twilight)!

With 'The Perfect Picture, Six Minute Century is delivering more elements that keeps the listener under a spell; awesome. The fantastic produced guitar riffs are leading the listener to another world! 'One Man's Dream' is a homage to Martin Luther King, the historical man who came up for equal rights for black Americans. His dream for equality meant his death when he was killed on the 4th of April 1968 in Tennessee. It was a shock for the US, even for the world and Six Minute Century wrote a fantastic song about this man who once had a dream. Original TV or radio recordings are bringing the listener into the right mood. 'April 19, 1995 starts with a fantastic acoustic part, giving me cold shivers and is reminding me to the early eighties era of Michael Schenker. At the beginning of this great song Chuck Williams shows he's a 'vocalist extraordinaire', a new born Metal God!

'Zero Hour' mixes blistering arrangements with great emotional choruses. 'Guitar Concerto' speaks for itself as a title; especially if you know Don LaFon is a shredder, a guitar hero with golden hands! These shredding guitars are a brand for Six Minute Century! I suppose I'm not that wrong if he's influenced by Michael Schenker although I can easily mention more sources of inspiration. 'Saved In Time' starts again with an overpowering mid tempo rhythm session but Six Minutes Century keeps on following their red line by representing imposing breaks, varied exciting tempi, fast fingered solos, a blistering foundation by bass & drums and of course the brilliant chosen vocal lines! More pure Metal is on your way with 'Heaven's Gate', containing a precious amalgam of musical elements; more inspired music . At the end of this release the band presents us a fantastic cover from another superb band; 'Seven Seas' from TNT. How could they know this is my favorite TNT-track? Chuck Williams sounds at least equal to Tony 'Hansen' Harnell and this well tasted cover ends this fantastic release.

The sentence on the band's website: 'while all are technically proficient, the band strives on writing songs with meaning, as opposed to merely showing off how talented they are' is a perfect description for Six Minute Century. Also the lyrics are intelligent written and well tasted. It is often hard for a Progressive Metal band to convince and enjoy the listener, for Six Minute Century it seems to be a 'piece of cake'! Although I can't really say Six Minute Century is, musical wise, so innovating they leave me speechless behind. Not for a second something predictable is happening on this CD, every single note breathes ambition, competency and a 100% sense for Heavy Metal! These guys know how to write a good song and their performances are even better; seldom heard!

Six Minute Century sounds overall bombastic and orchestral one the one hand, overwhelming, pure and fine on the other. The structures, the entire atmosphere, the singer and especially the constant focus on melodic lines and technical musicianship are exceptional! This is a superior Progressive Power Metal formation in the present scene! Check, and My Points: 99/100 (review by Officer Nice)