First sketch in a very very long time!

Dude... love the guitar tone... seems so open.. what are you using on this? x50? mind if i ask about the chain used (what guitar, etall)?
Drums are also pretty sweet n punchy...
As for the idea, it seems a solid start, try workin on it further to see what comes of it..
Woa, really fucking great guitar tone. It doesnt seems a ampsim. If this is X50 so it´s the best ampsim I have heard.
great overall sound, esp. the guitars...hope it's the X50 too =)
songwise its hard to tell, because it's not that much going on I think tbh^^
Yeah... there isn't much going on in there atm .. I'm gonna update it as soon as it's finished/(closer to finished) ;)
Sorry to disappoint you guys, that isn't the X50 .. It's the driverstage of the 6505+ (first tube it's load components), but the rest of the amp is set to taste by ear, might become an ampsim one day :p Right now it's just a preset within a primitive plugin with about 50 sliders (voltage/resistors/capacitor values/filters etc) :p still remains to see how it reacts to palm mutes, haha

(no boost)
John - this guitar tone is seriously kick ass. To the point if this sim was for sale, I would walk downstairs and get my wallet, and buy it RIGHT NOW!

Haha, I take that as a very big compliment as the track didn't give you much guitar action:lol:
I'm gonna finish this song though, even though it's not my style at all ;)
Here are some more.. new version.. Haven't got any leads done yet, and I'm having some trouble coming up with nice riffs at the moment :p
Still a little short, but twice the length of the last one ;) .. and yeah, my "mastering" sucks

Have to put on some leads though..
Impulses are Sperimental Framus V30 SM57 .. dual tracked, HP@ 65hz LP@16.6kHz .. and the amp have no name ;)..
I should stop putting out unfinished music/material.. haha ;)

kramer1309: The guitar is a ultra cheap piece of crap B.C.Rich and is also a signature model of a well known pedophile (Trip Eisen).. :p