First song with vocal (SD2.0, Real Amp)

wow, there is some harshness to those vocals. You might want to tame that. I'm guessing its somewhere around 3 - 4k.

Add a little verb to them also, to make them sound like they are in the space with the rest of the instruments. Sounds like you were going for a Devildriver approach with the vocals. Your singer sounds a little like Dez Fafara.
You really should mess around with mic positions. The guitar tone is really muffled and nasally. Are you doing ANY post-EQ? I think the tone is "almost there" for your mix though. If it were me, I would maybe turn down the bass a tad, turn up the presence a bit, and experiment with different mic positions and some post-eq. Maybe pull the mic away from your cab a bit to get some more treble? Or put the mic on an axis and pull away slightly.

Oh, and your mic input signal (for guitars) also sounds like it might be clipping. Or maybe you pushed it too hard when compressing and limiting? Those bass drops sound like ass by the way... it totally squashes your mix, and not in a good way. They distort everything. Sometimes it's a good thing, but to the point where just the sound in general is awful. Listen to SYL's "Alien" album if you want some examples of how to do mix-devastating bass-drops the right way. :)