First studio monitors.


New Metal Member
Apr 3, 2011
This isn't one of those "a vs. b" or "which one should I get?" threads. I'm looking into buying my first pair of monitors. I've done a lot of research and understand that room treatment plays a huge part but I have an untreated room. However, I will deal with that sooner or later. I am interested in just hearing your opinions/experiences with these monitors (the three pairs I've narrowed it down to).

Yamaha MSP5

Mackie MR5

Tannoy Reveal 501a or 601a

They are all in my price range. I'm looking for something to get me started with mixing and would be using them for reference as well. Your input is much appreciated.
tannoy 6's ...all day dude!

i bought my little brother those monitors + an mbox3 and just last weekend he showed me a mix he did with them... very impressive!

the mackies and msps are ok for small post production projects but hardly contenders to the reveals.
This isn't one of those "a vs. b" or "which one should I get?" threads. I'm looking into buying my first pair of monitors. I've done a lot of research and understand that room treatment plays a huge part but I have an untreated room. However, I will deal with that sooner or later. I am interested in just hearing your opinions/experiences with these monitors (the three pairs I've narrowed it down to).

Yamaha MSP5

Mackie MR5

Tannoy Reveal 501a or 601a

They are all in my price range. I'm looking for something to get me started with mixing and would be using them for reference as well. Your input is much appreciated.

i'm a mackie fan, but sometimes they sound TOO good if that makes any sense. i have heard of people using MSPs for "real world" mixes, meaning they're most realistic sounding in reference to what it will sound like outside of the session on other speakers. and i've never heard anything bad about Tannoy's. so idk if that helped, but there ya go!
Tim, would you say that the Tannoy 6's translate fairly well?

the 601's don't color or flatter your mix... they are very similar to the dynaudio bm6a (if we compare to pricier monitors).

mr5's are rear ported and the 601's are front ported.

the best thing to do is to sit down and listen to your choices... i wanted to find something accurate but inexpensive for my little brother.

after listening to 10 different monitors (priced similarly) we picked the 601's.

drawback: sometimes smaller drivers (around 5-6") can introduce lowend resonance but that can have a lot to do with acoustic treatment in the long run.

the choice came down to two: yamaha hs80 and the tannoy 601's. you should check out the hs8's they are around the same price but they are a lot larger in size... which was the defining factor for my brother. he just didn't want large monitors. :rolleyes:
I will definitely try to go and hear the Tannoys as well as a few other monitors. I looked into the hs80's but I have heard that they don't really do well in small rooms.

Thank you for all of your input. You guys have been very helpful.