first three sheets bootleg (just one song)


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins

I didn't read it was a cover , and during the whole song I was like "I KNOW THIS !!"

Sweet bass lines , I dig the mp3 : how much is a trip for "where i been at" show included ? :lol:
if someone came from out of state to see us, let alone out of the continent, their beer costs would certainly be absorbed. :Spin:
bump acuz i uploaded the rest if anyone cares.

if not, you should at least download it for making lots of money in 10 years when we're not famous so all our stuff went out of print 9 years prior and like 13 people are rabid enough fans that they'll pay $$$$$$$$$$ for something like this.

i'm just trying to help you out here.
Just checked out your three song demo. Pretty cool stuff. I really dug the musical interlude in the last minute of "She Doesn't Want to Die in June". My favorite track was probably "For the Dead Again", though "The Old Creek" has a very cool vibe to it.

If you guys get a decent bass player, you should be on your way.:loco:

this was an awesome listen dudes. ANd this old creek is one of my favourite songs, out of like... everything.... though the live and the first version you put up are still my favourite sounding versions of it.