First time for me with real drums ...


Oct 9, 2007
Hey you guys ...

I can't say, how much I already learned from this forum since I stumbled upon it and I want to thank all for sharing their tipps and experiences.

Now I'm ready to get bashed for my first mix with real drums ;)
(Unfortunately the band consists of lazy bastards and the bass and vocals are missing)

Let's call it "tough-guy" hardcore - lots of moshparts and other evil stuff :D

I don't know how they recorded the drumset - I just know that there was lots of bleeding on ... erm ... everything, so I replaced the kickdrum and the toms with Andy's Samples (thanks!).

I had two processed guitar tracks (I think it was a lightly customed Guitar Rig 2 preset) and luckily got the clean tracks too, so I mixed two additional Revalver-Tracks in there with a tiny delay. That makes 4 guitar tracks - two panned hard, two not so hard :D

I pretty much EQ'd and compressed everything heavily and used iZotopes Ozone on the Output-Track for mastering.

What do you think of it? Me, Myself and I think, the guitars could be more direct and we could puke on the toms - they sound great, but I don't think, that the hits are triggered correctly.

Advice is heavily appreciated.

Oh yes ... hopefully I get the bass-track this weekend, so this will be a thread that shows my own "evolution" :D
Wow, I'd change that snare BIG TIME.

Guitars sound solid state. Also, they are a lot louder than the drums.

Sounds like you are going to have a lot work. You editing these drums for timing issues?

doh, I just now saw the guitar rig reference. Sorry, missed it the first time.
Wow, I'd change that snare BIG TIME.

Guitars sound solid state. Also, they are a lot louder than the drums.

Sounds like you are going to have a lot work. You editing these drums for timing issues?

doh, I just now saw the guitar rig reference. Sorry, missed it the first time.

Haha ... that snare is a huge issue between me and the band.
I HATE that snare, too - they say, they love it. And believe me, I got the best out of it. :yuk:
Maybe I can blend another sample in. I just don't get aptrigga to play that snare-roll correctly :(

Yeah, the GR-sound is terrible - maybe I blend in more of Revalver II. I also try to boost the lows - thanks for that.

And about editing the drums:
I'm not sure, if I do it. It's just for a demo-cd and I have absolutely no experience in editing drums... :erk:
I don't edit drums. I don't know how to for 1, but even if I did, I charge way too little to do it! Too much time to do that stuff for demos. I asked because if you had to, that would be a job!

I'd reduce some higher frequencies in that snare or something. I'd run a huge boost with a small Q and sweep those upper frequencies and find where that ping is coming from. Once you find it, CUT IT!
I don't edit drums. I don't know how to for 1, but even if I did, I charge way too little to do it! Too much time to do that stuff for demos. I asked because if you had to, that would be a job!

I'd reduce some higher frequencies in that snare or something. I'd run a huge boost with a small Q and sweep those upper frequencies and find where that ping is coming from. Once you find it, CUT IT!

Do you want to hear the "natural" sound of that "Snare" (if it even deserves to be called a snare)? There is only "ping" and "gong" ... and a little bit of "tseng" :D

No, just kidding ... i'm going to check that later :)
That snare has got to go.
Im guessing its a piccolo :yuk:

Everything else is sounding ok but that snare is crazy.
nice to hear the bass drum better, but seriously that snare is still pretty bad. Honestly, it's quite possibly the worst recorded snare I've ever heard. That's not a crack on you, you didn't record it. I'd tell the band to forget it, it just doesn't work. I'd take a mis-triggering Sneap snare sample any day over the current snare sound.
Hahaha ... I'm think I'm going to print the whole thread to show it to the band!!! :D
Next time I see the drummer I have to ask him where he bought that can ... I'm totally curious, what snare that is.

Any suggestions what I could do about that snare-roll? Sampling with apTrigga doesn't work :(


New snare (the Hirax-Sample), for the snare-roll I came up with the original snare-track.

I can't believe how much I already learned alone from this thread. Thanks, especially to Nate!!!
It already sounds better than I ever expected :D
Any suggestions what I could do about that snare-roll? Sampling with apTrigga doesn't work :(

I suggest making two tracks out of that snare roll. Cut the hits up into hard hits and not hard hits. Separate them into the two different tracks. Use apTrigga on both of them with different samples. One with softer samples and one with the normal hard hit samples.

Sounds better this time but still stuff to work on. You have a great attitude about this by the way.