Hello, thought I would try to get some feedback on my first of hopefull many sessions working with real stuff 
Here is some facts about the session with some younger folks I recorded.
-This was my first time micing up anything (first time micing Vocals, drums, guitar everything.. infact I just bought my mics a week before the session heh)
-Sadly I dident have a good guitar amp for this style (only have a 5150) so ended up using a marshall solidstate the band had which was not sounding good (would have loved to use a good tube marshall.. oh and note to myself, buy a DI box !) tbh.
-We recorded 5 songs in one weekend, so as you might have guessed we dident spendt as much time on performance as we could/should have done.
-Bass player was reletiv new at playing it and pulled the "no playing with a pick" card.
-Have no proper studio, so had to get creative with getting a room to record in.
Well here it is : UPDATED MIX https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1709665/Previous/Færdig/Sang3færdig.mp3
Old mix below.
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1709665/Previous/No plane.mp3

Here is some facts about the session with some younger folks I recorded.
-This was my first time micing up anything (first time micing Vocals, drums, guitar everything.. infact I just bought my mics a week before the session heh)
-Sadly I dident have a good guitar amp for this style (only have a 5150) so ended up using a marshall solidstate the band had which was not sounding good (would have loved to use a good tube marshall.. oh and note to myself, buy a DI box !) tbh.
-We recorded 5 songs in one weekend, so as you might have guessed we dident spendt as much time on performance as we could/should have done.
-Bass player was reletiv new at playing it and pulled the "no playing with a pick" card.
-Have no proper studio, so had to get creative with getting a room to record in.
Well here it is : UPDATED MIX https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1709665/Previous/Færdig/Sang3færdig.mp3

Old mix below.
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1709665/Previous/No plane.mp3