First time with EMG81 and triggers...evil needs your years!


May 29, 2008

I've just finished mixing this song and I'm deaf (as always after few hours of killing my ears:p)
How do you like overall sound? Too loud?

Drums were triggered and quantized, but overheads are still a little rough (I try to fix them...)

I changed pickup in my guitar (SH8 -> EMG81) - and how does the guitar sounds like? Isn't it too bright?

And the last thing...I dont know if the vocal timing is well? It's wird because yesterday I was mixing this song with programmed drums and it was fine, and now it feels a bit strange, maybe its because overheads are still rough?

Any comments are welcome!

cheers thanks for checking

Sorry for my english - I hope it was understable :)
Those guitars sound pretty evil.

I only noticed a bit of a problem with the vocal timing toward the end. It's hardly noticeable though. It sounds like it's easily fixable though.

I didn't notice much of a problem with the overheads, but they do seem a bit compressed.

Very well done, though!
The overly clicky kick is annoying me a little bit, and it sounds like it's all pumping a little, but this is a really fucking nice mix man! Guitars sound monstrous, perhaps a little harsh in the high mids?
Guitars do sound a little harsh in the upper mids, and could use some more lowmids to fill it out more. They also don't sound totally wide? More like 90/90 than hardpanned? Or maybe its that lack of lowmids that centres them more.

The overheads do sound weirdd, I don't know what it is though, they're too low to tell.

Snare is not my type of snare but it works. Its wayyy loud though. Really realistic on the blasts, I love that you didn't sample replace it at the same volume as everything else.

Vocal timing is definitely out at points.
Jak na moje ucho, to brzmi to ZAJEBIŚCIE!!! Świetna robota, jest Szatan :headbang: Jakich sampli używałeś przy bębnach? Brzmią rewelacyjnie. Brzmienie gitar też wypas! Gratuluję! :worship:

It sounds great IMO! Pure evil! Great song, too :headbang: Congrats! :worship:
Thanks guys - you're all right! Thanks for the advices!

Vocal timing is fucked up seriously! I couldn't belive in's such a stupid mistake....

I'll try to take off a bit of the upper mids in guitars - lower mids are already taken, but we will see
Guitars are 100/100, but I will check them with 90/90 panning.
Too loud snare and now I think it has too much reverb

Guitars were recorded with Toneport gx (criminal sim.) and ryans awesome impulse
Drums are Superior 2.0 with Andys chimaira kick.

Thanks again guys!

More comments are welcome!
uzylem Nir-Z...I mean I've used Nir-Z snare. :)
I eq'ed and compressed it, nothing else

I've just uploaded new version

I've tried to fix timing in the OH...I hope it's better now
I also improve the vocal timing, or maybe I'm still deaf.
I've cut some upper mids and add some lower midds in guitar

How is it now?
Szczerze mówiąc bardziej mi się podobało jak miałeś werbel głośniej. Teraz trochę ginie wg mnie. Mam ogromną prośbę - mógłbyś zapodać screenshota z dokładnymi ustawieniami co zrobiłeś z werblem? Bardzo mi się podoba jego brzmienie, takiego właśnie szukam ;)

I liked version with more present snare a little bit more. The rest sounds great! :kickass:
Woah, going from the Invader to the 81. That's like polar opposites. :lol:

Guitars sound thin to my ears in the mix. I feel drums are a bit thin too.
I still think mix lacks a bit of fatness. I think it's pumping too. I think guitars are alright where they are now, but they're perhaps a bit too loud in there and the bass is not doing its job all that well. JMO.

Have you tried the EMG 85, dude? I think you'd like it.
damn fatness...I've added bass and now it's pumping, I've no idea what to do next.

I had EMG85 but in other guitar and it seems to be good for acoustic and solos :)
You might could benefit from cutting in bass guitar where the kick is. I'm hearing the most pumping in the kick dept and it could be that its in competition with the bass guitar. Upon listening again, your guitars sound incredible but they have mega foundation around that same problem region too. Just some stuff doing battle. Mix around the kick or lower it would be my approach.