First try at djenty metal production. Need tips please!


Nov 25, 2011
Hey, this is pretty much the first time I've ever tried making a full song with complete instrumentation so the product is nothing special.
Basically just started doing metal production, but I've been making beats for a little bit. Really hoping for some good pointers.

Especially having trouble getting all the cymbals to all stand out like in a lot of djent.

Thanks guys! (Also, I don't own monitors yet so I'm not sure if anything REALLY sticks out badly)
Well, first off, there's a big lack of volume. I had to crank my MR8's fairly high to hear anything. The guitars need to come up, as the drums overpower them, they also need some surgical and color EQing. The drums are waaaaay overcompressed and cause the whole mix to pump. The drums also sound very dry and lifeless, they don't carry that body or punch. I'm willing to bed that some monitors would be pretty beneficial. At 2:23 to about 2:40 or so, I'm hearing some weird mono scratching going on between the rhythm guitars, I really hope that isn't the bass track, if there is one.
Yeah that was the bass. No idea where to start with bass, so it was just DI with one clean track and one distorted. The distorted one was awful and too loud.