First try with new interface

Damn you always have awesome guitar tones. You seem to have a similar type of sound no matter what you use to record guitars. What settings did you use on revalver what exact impulse did you use? Post processing?
Thanks for the comments guys!
Yeah the intro is a story of its own haha.. I had borrowed my friends 6-stringed bass at the time, so I just recorded the intro thingy with it a while ago and added the other riffs yesterday.. The clean guitars ended up as just background sound really haha. The heavier riffs haven't got a real bass under them, it's just a pitch shifted guitar since I've retuned my friends bass :)

Hmm, settings.. These are basically the settings That with a real TS9 in front.
I didn't use that impulse though, I used Guitarhacks latest one.. He posted it some weeks ago, but didn't tell us what it was haha.. but the file was named "NewIR_1" so I figured out what it was :p The post processing was just waves q10 to clean up some low mids and get rid of some fizz.
new guitar hack impulses? Could you pleeeeeeeeeaaassse upload them or direct me to where I could? Thanks for the settings btw.