can i say hi, i stumbled across this forum a acouple of days ago and have had infinite amounts of tips already, and secondly i'm wondering if anyone can help me with a couple of problems i'm having with tools
As I am PC based, how do i get programs such as soundforge and WMP to play through my mbox to my monitors?
and seconedly, i have two screens, and have had no trouble spacing everything out before (in cubase) so how can i do it on tools as it isn't letting me drag my mix window across to the second screen.
As I am PC based, how do i get programs such as soundforge and WMP to play through my mbox to my monitors?
and seconedly, i have two screens, and have had no trouble spacing everything out before (in cubase) so how can i do it on tools as it isn't letting me drag my mix window across to the second screen.