

New Metal Member
Dec 15, 2007
can i say hi, i stumbled across this forum a acouple of days ago and have had infinite amounts of tips already, and secondly i'm wondering if anyone can help me with a couple of problems i'm having with tools

As I am PC based, how do i get programs such as soundforge and WMP to play through my mbox to my monitors?

and seconedly, i have two screens, and have had no trouble spacing everything out before (in cubase) so how can i do it on tools as it isn't letting me drag my mix window across to the second screen.

As I am PC based, how do i get programs such as soundforge and WMP to play through my mbox to my monitors?

Look for the program "Digi MME Helper" or similarly titled. It comes included with PTLE when you purchased your MBox. Open the program, and browse in the various software you would like to use. Be forewarned, if you elect to allow Firefox to play through the ASIO driver (MBox), then it will no longer play out of your stock soundcard. This caveat really only matters if you have a laptop and like to listen to music when you're not in the vicinity of your monitors.

And welcome to the board! :kickass:
and seconedly, i have two screens, and have had no trouble spacing everything out before (in cubase) so how can i do it on tools as it isn't letting me drag my mix window across to the second screen.

Havent tried PT on windows, but here is my guess: turn the "maximize" mode off (the button with two squares, between "_" and "X" on the top right corner of almost all windows programs) and stretch :)