Fishman Fluence KSE Set Walkthrough

This could easily be the most versatile pickups for a studio guitar ever.
Have you tried the fishman devin townsend set that also have 3 voices?

I want to ask you for your honest opinion.
I love EMGs. Thats the sound I hear in my head when i think of a perfect metal sound.

Totally ignoring the fact that fluence offers different voicings and just focusing on the Modern active voicing...
Which bridge pickup would you prefer and why:
emg 81, fishman modern (latest revision) or fishman kse?
I play 6 string guitar in E or D so no massive downtuning.
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That clean tone @1:44 is absolutely stunning, so clean and punchy yet no unpleasant noise, WOW!

I'm also very curious about the IR's you are using, i do not know if you remember but a few years ago
we had a chat about IR's and you were thinking about releasing an IR pack along your LDS samples.
If i remember correctly you decited not to make an IR pack, still i'd like to know if there is a chance to get
my hands on these! :D

I've also seen your post on FB where you were talking about the new version of the modern ceramic pickups.
I have a custom 7-String Rusti Guitars Paradox in the making with a single Fishman Fluence Modern 7 Alnico
in the bridge position. Do you know if there are new versions of the 7-string models too?

Your description on the sound makes me think that i would like the new version more,
even i did not had the chance to hear the pickup in the first place. Just being curious...

I think i will also replace the BKP Blackhawk set in my Sabre with the KSE set,
the BKP's sound ridiculously bad compared to the Fishman's.