Fist clip with 5150

K Odell

Jan 23, 2006
Greensboro, NC
So I got a little extra time to fiddle with my 5150 and micing it up. Although this isnt the tone I am going for it definantly sounds better than my JSX did.
Its a bit fizzy which I dont like but I can tell its easier to get good tones with this head.
Hmm, gotta crank that resonance dude, it needs more chrum!! (as Borat would say :lol: ). I agree about the fizziness, maybe tame the presence if you have it particularly high (IMO that's really the only "suck" knob on the 5150 if its overused) and play around with mic positioning, but it certainly shits on the JSX already! What mic did you use homie?
Yeah dude right now I actually have the presence on 6 and the resonance on ten. I think its my mic position honestly. I am gonna mess around with it some more tomorrow as I will have more time to. As for the mic its a good ol' 57
Sounds good dude. You know what, the presence knob and the fizziness factor are funny on the 5150. If the presence is too low, it doesn't cut as well, and if it's too high, then it's a bit too fizzy. I'm currently just experimenting with the presence knob settings in relation to the SM57's location to the dustcap. This is where you will tame your fizz. I keep the high knob on 5 almost all the time.
