FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH's Onstage Meltdown Fuels Rumors Of Internal Strife


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH cut its performance short last night (Friday, May 1) at the Beale Street Music Festival in Memphis, Tennessee, prompting speculation that not all is well between the band's lead singer and the rest of the group.Based on fan-filmed video clips which have surfaced this morning and Twitter postings from several fans who attended last night's concert, FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH performed half a dozen songs before the entire band, except vocalist Ivan Moody, walked off stage, leaving the singer seemingly confused and talking to fans in rambling fashion.One person who witnessed last night's events, Brian Hatchett, told The New Fury web site: "Ivan held up Jeremy's [Spencer, drums] book and asked the fans if they had this FFDP book. Then, still mic'd seemingly unknowingly, said, That I had nothing to do with,' directed at Jeremy. Jeremy then threw his sticks and walked off stage, and the band shortly followed. Ivan talked for a minute, threw his mic, and marched off. A few minutes later, Ivan came back, rambled and talked to the fans, and attempted to play around on Jeremy's drumkit, trying to lead a song rather weakly. Jeremy and the rest of the band came back and played a song while sounding completely out of step with each other, while Ivan stayed really close to Jeremy, seeming to talk shit to him. Everyone left again, Ivan threw the mic again. This routine repeated a couple more times until they just ran out of stage time and walked off stage, not to return."FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH guitarist Zoltan Bathory revealed last month that "all the music [was] done" for the band's next album in a video message he posted on Instagram. Bathory added that Moody was in the studio "recording the remaining vocals" for the CD, which is expected out before the end of the year.Spencer's autobiography, "Death Punch'd: Surviving Five Finger Death Punch's Metal Mayhem", came out last September and was described by the publisher as "a wry and rollicking tale of music, addiction and recovery, revealing the path that served as a catalyst to make him the man he is today."

