Flame this


Sep 7, 2009
Manchester, UK
Right well, this is my first 'rate my mix' post, but been lurking round here for a couple of months.

I've thrown down a short simple riff and drums to try and put the techniques I have read about into practice.

I know that there are a lot of aspects that need improving, but if you could point out the most obvious things that seem wrong to you, that would be a good start for me!

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1991184/practise mix Edit 1 Export 1.wav

I wrote some midi drum tracks in guitar pro, exported them and replaced with samples, that's why the snare sounds so robotic.
guitar chain was EMG 85 > DI > TSS > TSE x30 > catharsis awesometime > slight EQ but I seem to be lost when EQing guitars.
Bass was just DI > compressed to fuck and EQ.
I'm using Tracktion 3 as my DAW, can't afford Cubase or PT! Used a mastering plugin that came with that called Final Mix, seems to give it a lot of boom but sounds better than my own attempt at just using a compressor on the master bus
dude dont use presets on mastering plugins^^
and dont eq if you havent got a reason to eq...
but anyway, its not that bad for a first attempt :D
look around in the forum for mastering chains to get rid of the mastering preset, a get some better drums samples. the guitars dont sound that bad for the beginning anyway.
there are also some free bass vst plugins if u dont want to use the DI bass track
Thanks for the tips man, I downloaded a bass vst just called bass preamp but it just kills my cpu, even if I render all the other tracks! I'm always on the hunt for more decent samples, most of the links in the sticky seem to be dead though.
Really like the overall tone, i just think that your programmed drums should sound less computerised, and cymbals should have a bit of room information or they sound like they are not part of the drum. The toms could be randomised a bit. Seriously i really like cranking your sample, it sounds pretty good.
@ AerialThesis, that Through Paintings on your myspace is really fuckin awesome! Should be boss music

I've since put an aux send/return on the cymbals with some room verb, sounds much better cheers! Need to sort my samples out as I'm not using multiple hits, I only have one sample per tom, hahaa lame!