Fleshless - Sensual Death Immitation

Dec 21, 2003
Sudbury, Canada
Fleshless – Sensual Death Immitation
Obscene Productions – 2003
By Adam McAuley


A creepy intro that wouldn’t be out of place in a blockbuster sci-fi film opens up this release of clinical and solid death metal. The groovy, driving riffs Fleshless come up with are among the most enjoyable you’ll find in recent death metal and permeate what is through and through a very fun release.

Expect a healthy dose of hollow sounding, but punctual and effective drumming, occasional variation to keep things interesting, and - at times - a distinct rock and roll vibe. The vocals are guttural, but suitable, not something you’d find out of place on a recent Impaled or Ghoul release. And like those bands, Fleshless are all about groove…but they keep things exciting at all times by means of the semi-distorted, mid-to-fast paced style they play. The problem is that many people will want to throw the band into the brutal death metal genre, and despite the Suffocation comparisons that can be drawn from their music, I’d just classify them as standard, but well done, death metal.

There isn’t a second of throw away material on Sensual Death Immitation, which is commendable, because death metal bands like this should be cherished whenever they come along. You can come back to this release numerous times and expect to be enthralled, a trait which I prefer immensely over death metal that’s overly complex and doesn’t have the same feel. Sure it’s standard stuff, but rarely is death metal done this well. Give Fleshless a chance and you’ll be surprised by the results.


Official Obscene Productions website
Official Fleshless website