Floating Fiberglass Jesus - Sign From Above

from intellectualize.org
<-------(Look, it's VangelicSurgeon!!!)

It’s been said that the Lord works in the mysterious ways. Unfortunately, it would appear that He cannot swim….
EAGLE PASS, Texas — Some in South Texas are taking it as a sign from above.

When Border Patrol agents spotted a body in the Rio Grande, they launched a rescue mission. But the supposed victim turned out to be a life-size fiberglass statue of Jesus.

Now, the faithful are flocking to the Eagle Pass police station to view the figure. No one has claimed the statue. One woman told the San Antonio Express-News that it’s a sign that Christ is alive and with us.

Authorities are considering what they’ll do next. Two churches in the area have offered to take it, if the statue isn’t claimed within the 90-day waiting period.

City officials added that no matter what happens, they won’t be selling the statue of Jesus.

OK, can we all get a grip here? Claiming that this is a sign that Christ is alive and with us? Please…it’s a floating fiberglass icon. Don’t you think that this is very likely a prank played on the unsuspecting by a couple Mexicans with too much time on their hands and a fiberglass Jesus laying around the hacienda?

Jose: Ha, how about we play a trick on those stupid %$#^&!@ gringos downstream?

Ernesto: Si, we could wade out into the middle of the Rio Grande with this stupid %$#^&!@ fiberglass Jesus and get it floating downstream….

Jose: BRILLIANT!! They’ll think it’s a sign from God. Before you know it, little old ladies from North Dakota will be streaming down here by the THOUSANDS. We could wade across the Rio Grande and sell lutefisk at a roadside stand….