Flotsam and Jetsam - Dreams of Death


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Flotsam and Jetsam – Dreams of Death
Crash Music Inc. – CRAS61150 – July 26th, 2005
By Jason Jordan


My listening habits have never crossed over into Flotsam and Jetsam territory. So, understandably, I’m not all that thrilled with Dreams of Death. The thrashers do have frequent moments where they display adeptness, but the material as a whole just isn’t tantalizing to this reviewer, despite carrying myriad, notable attributes.

At first glance, Dreams of Death isn’t too adventurous. What the band has to offer is nine songs that clock in at a reasonable length. Of course, there’s an intro to be had, namely “Requiescal,” and all the other tracks aren’t far from being formulaic, though the aforementioned concept doesn’t instantaneously quell likeability. The heavy beginning of “Straight to Hell” is great, but is perhaps what Flotsam and Jetsam’s audience has come to expect. Unfortunately, the vocals seem to be way too high in the mix; Rivera towers over everyone in the sound department, and the production could use some revamping. “Bleed,” however, is somewhat of a departure that’s comparable to a Dream Theater ballad, which is to say that it’s not good…until it picks up steam and heaviness at the 3:15 minute mark. Similarly, the band drill deeper in “Look in His Eyes,” but let up again in “Childhood Hero.” And, even though I haven’t read the lyrics, Dreams of Death is a forty-five minute concept album, which projects Travis Smith’s (Seempieces) artwork. See? The disc does possess some cool stuff.

I must stress that I, by no measure, ogle Flotsam and Jetsam, and I didn’t even pay them mind when Newsted joined the crew. Still, I gave the record a chance, and I’m glad I did. Followers of the group will be pleased, I think, especially since this is the quintet’s return from a four-year sabbatical. Just don’t confuse this with Into Eternity’s Dead or Dreaming or Weakling’s Dead as Dreams.


Official Flotsam and Jetsam Website
Official Crash Music Inc. Website
This is a pretty stale review, Once I hear the cd I would be more than happy to give my 2 cents. One thing I noticed in the review is that you mention Rivera. Is this a reference to James Rivera???? He is not the singer for Flotsam, I know he sang with them for a few shows some time ago.But Eric A.K is doing the vocals on this cd.
Pilgrim II said:
This is a pretty stale review, Once I hear the cd I would be more than happy to give my 2 cents. One thing I noticed in the review is that you mention Rivera. Is this a reference to James Rivera???? He is not the singer for Flotsam, I know he sang with them for a few shows some time ago.But Eric A.K is doing the vocals on this cd.

Thanks for the correction. I actually did research on the vocalist, but it was apparently outdated information. :erk: