Flotsam and Jetsam


Are You Morbid?
Got a new digital audio player, so I started pulling cd's out from the back of the drawer from when I was a kid.

Wow. I liked F&J when I was a kid, but couldn't get into a lot of their stuff. Now, I kind of have the ear for prog and I'm looking at them as more of a progressive-thrash band.

I also picked up their recent Japan DVD and their latest album. Gotta say they're still up there putting out solid thrash and AK's vocals are just as good now as they were in the eighties. Dreams of Death is really good, and I would say heavier than they were in the past.
Sure do I remember the Flots. The first three records are classics. Cuatro was released on a major label and failed miserably. Although the songs were quite good. I like that record. Also "High" had some killer tunes. The last Flots cd I bought was "Drift". And I must say it's weak compared to their earlier stuff. Lots of fillers on it. So you say that "Dreams of Death" slays? I've only checked the title song and it doesn't convince me at all.
One of the pretty underrated bands. Most ppl know them only as "you know, the band Newsted was in before Metallica..."
Dreams of Death is still in the F&J vein, meaning it's kind of far ranging. I really enjoy it and was very surprised. I was even more surprised seeing them on the dvd and seeing how they still put on a great show.

It's really interesting to see how aggressive their bassist is.
Wow,this is a bit of a coincidence.I downloaded Flotsam's discograpy yesterday,i'm right now listening to Hard On You from No Place From Disgrace.What a fantastic record!I had this years ago 1990 i think along with Mordred's This Life.They are both still up their in my all time fave thrash records.I don't lke any of their other albums
Oblivious Maximus said:
F&J rock, totally underrated. They put out some great stuff.

agreed. one of my favorite bands of all time.

'Cuatro' was probably my favorite.

'When the Storm Comes Down,' 'High,' 'Drift'... all AMAZING works!

sadly enough, beyond not getting the recognition they deserve [other than being Jason Newsted's old band], this is a band that forever seems to be on the brink of ending and has been that way for awhile.

the members dont seem to like each other, at all!
if you ever go to the Flotsam and Jetsam board, it's one feud after another... AMONGST THE BAND!!

i used to talk to Jason Ward quite a bit and i think a lot of it stems from A) drug abuse and B) AK's selfishness.
Papa Josh said:
One of my favorite bands, bar none...

However, that Live in Japan dvd is CRAP.

Sound sucks, the camera angles aren't all that good, and it is extremely short in length....
Thanks. I was thinking about buying it ... well I won't. BTW I have the other Flots DVD "Live in Phoenix". And I think it's boring! The sound is good and all but they seem just too old to still play in a Thrashband. I thought the same when I saw their latest video "Dreams of Death". But their earlier stuff slays no question!
SueNC said:
agreed. one of my favorite bands of all time.

'Cuatro' was probably my favorite.

'When the Storm Comes Down,' 'High,' 'Drift'... all AMAZING works!

sadly enough, beyond not getting the recognition they deserve [other than being Jason Newsted's old band], this is a band that forever seems to be on the brink of ending and has been that way for awhile.

the members dont seem to like each other, at all!
if you ever go to the Flotsam and Jetsam board, it's one feud after another... AMONGST THE BAND!!

i used to talk to Jason Ward quite a bit and i think a lot of it stems from A) drug abuse and B) AK's selfishness.

I decided to check out their board to see the feuding, but couldn't find anything. I did see a lot of people getting on jason Ward's case and him having a trigger finger. I find him to be a really great bassist, regardless.