Floyd settup


Dec 28, 2002
So, no problems getting the thing balanced and happy. My question is how to maximize flutter response. Mine does well and is smooth but I want to get that ridiculous Andy LaRocque stuff going.
I'll go ahead and reiterate that this is a setup/string choice question as some guitars seem far more sensitive than others.
Just 3. I It's also worth noting that there is a tremel-no back there ( a total waste of money since it has left free float for 10 minutes in 2 years) but it isn't rubbing.
If 3 springs is still too stiff for you, I'd try moving down to just two (outer positions of screw/claw setup).

It's also worth asking - are your springs arranged like... (read headstock -> tremolo)


or more like


If 3 springs is still too stiff for you, I'd try moving down to just two (outer positions of screw/claw setup).

It's also worth asking - are your springs arranged like... (read headstock -> tremolo)


or more like



3 parrallel style. The tremel-no limits the ability to do it "V" style but I'm not opposed to taking that off so that I can get the trem to respond how I would like.
So you think it's too tight? I thought maybe it was too loose but I can see arguments going both ways.
Having it tighter will cause a quicker, more pronounced 'warble,' but having it looser (at least in my head, I've never had them very loose as my palm mutes would throw tuning off) should give the trem more room to move about and 'warble' in

and at this point I've realized I'm a total retard and was misreading your post. You want it tighter, for sure. I'd add another spring.
egan - two springs will be loose unless they are short springs. Normally you will notice with two springs that the gtr pitch will change slightly as you move around with the gtr & especially if you lean fwd with the gtr... Also flutter works best when the trem posts are locked (as opposed to loose in their threads) and the trem arm is good and tight (no play, no wear, collar tight etc)
..well thats part of it too (having OFR ie. the German made ones by Schaller) because the knife edges are made of harder steel and dont dull which also contributes to how smoothly the trem floats which intern (you guess it!) gives better flutter.
Having said that i have a GOTOH licenced FR on a 1990 BC Rich and it is an awesome trem.
So, no problems getting the thing balanced and happy. My question is how to maximize flutter response. Mine does well and is smooth but I want to get that ridiculous Andy LaRocque stuff going.
I'll go ahead and reiterate that this is a setup/string choice question as some guitars seem far more sensitive than others.

Depending on what tuning you use will determine some of this. I use only 2 springs in my RG and my JS, both with OFR installed. I have them both tuned 1 step down and use D'Addario .10-.46's. I get a shit ton of flutter anytime I want. I'd say this would be similar with a set of 9's and in standard tuning. I also have my springs set at an angle pointing towards the neck, so they are one notch inwards on the claw side and on the ends on the trem....if that makes sense.
Ah, so you did the Lo-TRS (II) to OFR swap dude? How'd it work out? I really want another shredder guitar with an OFR, but they're all so farkin' expensive; I'm honestly considering finding some cheapo Ibanez with a Lo-TRS and just dropping in an OFR and a pair of Dimarzios! (cuz I don't care about lead tones nearly as much, I feel it's far more in the fingers than rhythm, so I wouldn't mind the cheap wood)
..well thats part of it too (having OFR ie. the German made ones by Schaller) because the knife edges are made of harder steel and dont dull which also contributes to how smoothly the trem floats which intern (you guess it!) gives better flutter.
That strikes me as more of a longeivity issue than an issue with a relatively new trem....however you did get me thinking about any source of friction.

So, I took out the tremel-no and abraca-cadaver the thing was awesome.
So thanks everybody for your help. I wasted a day playing with different numbers of springs only to discover that I had actively handcapped myself.

On another note (since Marcus brought it up) what do you shredders think of the Ibanez trems. Certainly the design seems a lot more thoughtful and user friendly (bearings instead of knifes edge, spring adjustment w/o removing the back plate, etc.)
Ah, so you did the Lo-TRS (II) to OFR swap dude? How'd it work out? I really want another shredder guitar with an OFR, but they're all so farkin' expensive; I'm honestly considering finding some cheapo Ibanez with a Lo-TRS and just dropping in an OFR and a pair of Dimarzios! (cuz I don't care about lead tones nearly as much, I feel it's far more in the fingers than rhythm, so I wouldn't mind the cheap wood)

They don't make em with Lo-TRS anymore. A little under $200 for a bridge seemed worth it 2x over for me, so yeah. I've been using and abusing them both for over 8 years with little to no tuning problems.
That strikes me as more of a longeivity issue than an issue with a relatively new trem....however you did get me thinking about any source of friction.

So, I took out the tremel-no and abraca-cadaver the thing was awesome.
So thanks everybody for your help. I wasted a day playing with different numbers of springs only to discover that I had actively handcapped myself.

On another note (since Marcus brought it up) what do you shredders think of the Ibanez trems. Certainly the design seems a lot more thoughtful and user friendly (bearings instead of knifes edge, spring adjustment w/o removing the back plate, etc.)

Only the ZR trem has ball bearings though.
Personally I don't like the ZR that much to be honest.
Great design, but poorly executed IMHO. It doesn't feel as nice as as knife edge trem to use and lots of people have reported problems with the trem arm holder breaking on the ZR-I (a problem fixed on the more expensive ZR-II though I believe).
The rest of their trems are all knife edge based.
The best trems Ibanez ever made is/was the Lo Pro 7 and the Original Edge.
There are guys that have 1980s RGs still with the original trem in there, a testament to their excellent build quality and design.
I don't mind the modern Edge Pro unlike the "IT CAN ONLY BE OLD SCHOOL" Ibanez crowd, still a pretty good trem
Yeah, for those not in the know, indeed the LO-TRS has been discontinued on Ibanez guitars and has been replaced by the Edge III on their cheaper non Prestige RG models.
Edge IIIs are not bad, but they are sure as hell no Edge Pro or Original Edge.
There are guys that have 1980s RGs still with the original trem in there, a testament to their excellent build quality and design.

I don't know man...they still hold up, but part of that "testament" is that you can't replace them with anything else. If your O.G. Floyd eats it, you can replace it easily (btw, I have an OFR from the early 80's and it's still tip-top). If an original Edge dies, you are fucked.