Focus of thought


Jul 14, 2006
Much has been occurring in my 'inner life' of late. I made some effort to write what I could of it, but gave up frustrated in my attempt by too much ambiguity and lack of direction. Writing what was to be a brief mail to my ex, I found clarity of thought in abundance and it got rather self involved ;)
It struck me that this is how it usually is for me - I feel substantially more powerful in my action and thought when there is an idea, a challenge, a reason, for me to focus with. (I say 'with' and not 'on' because that is how it seems)

I imagine this is not uncommon, but it does not seem the case for everyone at least, many people appear to function worse in any conflict or pressure. Does anyone feel able to maintain such a 'focus' throughout more of their life than external situations may present opportunity for? Obviously if I desired I could spend more time chasing down such external situations (this forum strikes me as a prime example) but I wonder if a stronger capacity for focus stemming purely from the self is possible, how one might achieve it, and I guess, if it would even be worthwhile?

If this makes no sense I'm sure a strong challenge saying so would illicit clearer thought from me :p
Much has been occurring in my 'inner life' of late. I made some effort to write what I could of it, but gave up frustrated in my attempt by too much ambiguity and lack of direction. Writing what was to be a brief mail to my ex, I found clarity of thought in abundance and it got rather self involved ;)
It struck me that this is how it usually is for me - I feel substantially more powerful in my action and thought when there is an idea, a challenge, a reason, for me to focus with. (I say 'with' and not 'on' because that is how it seems)

I imagine this is not uncommon, but it does not seem the case for everyone at least, many people appear to function worse in any conflict or pressure. Does anyone feel able to maintain such a 'focus' throughout more of their life than external situations may present opportunity for? Obviously if I desired I could spend more time chasing down such external situations (this forum strikes me as a prime example) but I wonder if a stronger capacity for focus stemming purely from the self is possible, how one might achieve it, and I guess, if it would even be worthwhile?

If this makes no sense I'm sure a strong challenge saying so would illicit clearer thought from me :p

So, sometimes for you, an idea or external circumstance allows you to focus better, and thus write, or think, or create better?

I know if I have alot of stress or many things to do, my focus on thought and many other intellectual endeavors is nil.
So, sometimes for you, an idea or external circumstance allows you to focus better, and thus write, or think, or create better?

That's it - and not solely on the specific idea / circumstance either, but in general, or so it seems. As though there is a certain level of 'tension' required for my mind to function at it's best.

I know if I have alot of stress or many things to do, my focus on thought and many other intellectual endeavors is nil.

Do you mean that you find your abilities to lessen, or just that you cannot / do not focus on matters extraneous to the circumstances that are causing the stress / busyness?
It's too easy for my mind to shoot out in all sorts of different directions if there's no tension forcing me to focus. Though this isn't always the case. It's mostly in terms of things that need to be done. If I have a paper due in a month, I'll write up the whole thing the night before it's due and maybe do some preliminary research the night before that. My best work is done under high tension. On the other hand, if I want to do something creative I'll only be successful if it creeps up on me and I naturally fall into some sort of a groove with what I'm doing.
There's an old Zen tale of a centipede who, when asked which leg came before which, fell into paralysis while contemplating how to walk.
I think a practical solution is goals. So instead of procrastinating your paper, why not procrastinate your procrastination and get it done. Set yourself goals like, you are going to have that paper done before anyone else, and induce that stress earlier so that if need be, you can always revise your paper. That kind of focus can be brought on at any time simply because if you can do it the night before, then you can do it in the now. Its the same with how people get up in the morning. Do you wait until your snooze has gone of several times before getting up because of the images or feelings of being late motivate you or do you wake up and are excited about a new day. The former is the wrong frame of mind to be productive and the latter is the mindset of successful people.