Focusrite 2i2 or Steinberg UR22mkII?


Bored Member
May 24, 2009
Saint Louis, Mo.
So I have 2 VERY outdated interfaces that just won't cut it anymore (1st gen Toneport GX and a 1st gen Lexicon Alpha).
The input and output on the Toneport are starting to go out and the Alpha is giving me weird latency issues (out of nowhere latency gets huge until I open device settings then close it).
Anyways, I'm in the middle of a project and have roughly $170 and have narrowed my choices down to 2:

Focusrite 2i2 or Steinberg UR22mkII
Will I notice a considerable difference in sound with either of these over the 2 that I have now?
Is one better than the other? (Soundwise, support, stability, durability, etc.)
Which one should I purchase?
Thanks in advance fellas.

EDIT: I'm running Windows 8.1 64bit
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I had a Line6 Toneport UX2 quite a while ago. It did a decent job for what it was at the time and I enjoyed being creative with it.

There was always something lacking in the tone, and I don't just mean with PODfarm. No matter what I did - whether it was micing up an amp or using impulses or whatever, there just didn't seem to be the sound quality I was after in the tones. Having said that, I just figured it was because I wasn't that good.

Anyway, I got back into recording/writing music in the last couple of months and bought a Scarlett 2i2. The tones have been coming MUCH easier and I wish I had have bought one much sooner.

I can't comment on the Steinberg because I don't have any experience with it.
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From what I can remember about 2i2 that popped quite some times here was that 2i2 had higher instrument input gain meaning your DI got clipped. As suggestions was using DI box or lowering volume on guitar. Lowering volume is questionable thing in tone wise but if you have real tubescreamer you can track with it and lower volume on it.
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If you're on El Capitan I wouldn't advise getting a Steinberg Interface. The drivers are having issues -> audio drops out about every 15 minutes..

Also the inputs are a little noisy (only noticable when amplifying DIs). Not sure if that will be better on the Focusrite though.

Source: I have a UR44 right now that's going to go back to thomann.
so as I dig deeper and deeper the clipping issue seems to be prevalent in most audio interfaces under $200.
weird... as I've never had an issue with my Alpha (which was $100 when I bought it new in 2007).
Now I don't know what the hell I'm gonna do
If you're on El Capitan I wouldn't advise getting a Steinberg Interface. The drivers are having issues -> audio drops out about every 15 minutes..

Also the inputs are a little noisy (only noticable when amplifying DIs). Not sure if that will be better on the Focusrite though.

Source: I have a UR44 right now that's going to go back to thomann.
Windows 8.1 64bit
I had a Presonus 22VSL and clipping was never a problem with the instrument input.

The 22VSL seems to have slightly better mic preamps than the newer iOne/iTwo Interfaces but the VSL software is not updated anymore by Presonus.
I owned the UR22 before and it worked stellar. I upgraded a couple years back ago to the UR28M and couldn't be happier. I'd really suggest looking into that one, too.
I have no experience with Windows 8, & won't have as long as I can help it, but I've been using a Native Instruments Komplete Audio 6 interface for years now, without any problems at all. It might be a little over your posted budget, but again, it's been rock-solid for me....
Under 200$ you have the Focusrite 2i4 too (199$ actually :P ). That one comes with pads on the inputs so all possible clipping is gone. I bought one last summer and so far I haven't had any problems at all.
Are you sure about the dropouts? Are your Drivers updated?
I just updated to el captain and i'm really hoping everything will be working properly :-S

Yeah, drivers and firmware are updated to the latest version. Maybe mine is faulty, but I kinda doubt it..