For all,who hate a posers!


New Metal Member
May 9, 2013
Check my video about a posers!Leave your comments on Youtube.
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wow, you really have a lot of time on your hands to tell people how they should or shouldn't dress... that's pretty poser-ish if you ask me
Are you Polish or is that just a fake accent? I've noticed other similarly-accented individuals with similar kinds of humor and judgment.

EDIT: You admitted to liking black metal in another video. Poser.
Are you Polish or is that just a fake accent? I've noticed other similarly-accented individuals with similar kinds of humor and judgment.

EDIT: You admitted to liking black metal in another video. Poser.

I'm not trying to be funny in this video,I'm not Polish
Are you Polish or is that just a fake accent? I've noticed other similarly-accented individuals with similar kinds of humor and judgment.

EDIT: You admitted to liking black metal in another video. Poser.

All these videos are just satirical, I don't carry myself to metalheads
Fuck you, nationalist.

I have nothing against Polish people (although I do stereotype you guys as math prodigies and Mekong Delta fans). It was simple curiosity on my part. Did I simply miss the mark in an offensive way, like when one confuses a Japanese individual for Chinese or whatever?
What the fuck is Mekong Delta? The stereotype about math is the only right you mentioned. I used to be bad a it. Anyways, I don't know how we, polish people, are perceived abroad.
He just wondered dude.
Pretty sure theres not too bad of an image of the Polish in the US, hell my lady is of Polish decent.

Mekong Delta is a thrash metal band, btw.
I think that we may be perceived as son of bitches' country. Although we're not perceived as obese. Still, I have nothing against my country. It sucks but it has some good points. We could have more metal festivals, but I don't complain about lack of concerts.
Poles are religious and don't get certain kinds of humour. A lot of them seem to be ns and they are slightly scared of English people.
Poles also whine as hell. There are great polish prog. musicians though. Jakub Zytecki for example. Best guitar player ive seen.