For Anyone that has a Pussy...

Zob Rombie

Fuggin GURU
Oct 21, 2002
Cherry Hill, NJ
Taiwanese cat is toilet trained

April 14, 2004 (TAIPEI, Taiwan) — A white and tan Taiwanese cat made his successful television debut on the toilet.


"Tiger" showed off his skills Wednesday, hopping on the front end of the toilet seat and carefully balancing himself as he did his business. Tiger's owner, Dong Hsiu-yuan, told reporters in her home in central Taichung County that the former stray cat only recently acquired his toilet skills.

"Last week, I saw him jump on the toilet. I didn't know what he was doing and then I noticed he was urinating," she told CTI cable news.

Dong said that Tiger was self-taught. "He would watch me from the bathroom doorway. If I closed the door, then he would meow loudly," she told SCT cable news.

Although Tiger's skills are impressive, he still hasn't mastered the art of flushing.

Copyright 2004 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

:hypno: ....:lol:

thats great...
we had a cat once that used the toilet perfectly. his name was billy bob and had a pumpkin shaped head. we stole him from our next door neighbors...well actually he just started hanging at our house so we claimed him
my cats are fuckin stupid...

lately they have been pissin me off... i have 2... and one keeps shittin on the floor... and EVERY morning when i wake up for school i gotta clean it up... the lil bastards...

my one cat, Phat[/Fat] Cat is cool cuz hes stupid... my other cat, Oreo, is a BITCH....
Lordlucid said:
my cat is a stinky lazy bastard.... whom poops in his box o'rocks... and if he doesn't I fling him into the closed window.

That does not please limecat
Lordlucid said:
my cat is a stinky lazy bastard.... whom poops in his box o'rocks... and if he doesn't I fling him into the closed window.

well friday i went to the mall...

in the mall i went to Modell's...

in Modell's i bought an Air Horn...

so now if my cat shits on the floor i WILL feel no shame, nor will i hesitate to chase him around the house... blaring my air horn in his face....... and at the same time waking up my entire family... and then of course head off to school and leave the house in an uproar as i stroll off gleefully to school....


i think we could sell that, no matter what it tastes like...

we can call it...

the "tequila taco"

i really dont know why tho... it just sounded good...

real men eat cornflakes