for anyone wanting Eddie's Archive..


Master Exploder
..I have just seen it on ebay for a good price.

Also, notice how in the pic for the tin, the Eddie head on the top is across ways? Mine is verticle, straight up and down...maybe this is a pic of the prototype...

Id say thats just a photo they saved of it back when it was first announced, maybe they dont have a camera or something so they used that :D
I just cant' bring myself to fork out for it when the artwork inside on the cd's is so crap!!!
It looks like some sort of fan art
Yea thats true but you know what i mean about rigg's art latley, it sux
to much computer art
I was only joking Gavin :D Ive known dickheads to buy albums just because they liked the cover art, knowing nothing about what the actual music is like, thats all :)

I dont mind his computer stuff actually, I didnt like it at first, but it sort of grew on me a bit, but his paintings were better, but then, when you have to compete against some of those great Maiden covers you sort of backed yourself into a corner, so maybe he was looking for a different creative outlet or some shit :)
Dammit, hasnt ANYONE gotten my joke? Ive been working this thread for the last 2 days and noones realised! :D

Really, I think lots of people do it in a way. I might not buy an album because it looks good, without having heard anything on it, but if it looks cool, it certainly will influence me, and will perhaps buy it over something else I might want with a shitty cover.

I like pretty things. :D
Id been throwing the net out for 2 days but no fish were being caught :D

Im kinda like an Ewok, they are fascinated by shiny stuff too :D