For anyone who thinks Geoff Tate's voice is gone


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Nov 8, 2008
This was last night at Tate's wine signing in Westborough, MA. He did a 3 song "acoustic" set after the signing. He sang "Get Started", "Eyes of a Stranger" and this....:headbang::kickass:

I know a lot of people (including myself!) have been very critical of "Dedicated to Chaos" (or Shit, as the Madman would say!), but you can't deny that the man still has an amazing voice. No microphone, no effects, just his voice. And he was a super nice guy..even after I told him the new album sucks...:lol:

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Everytime i've seen them live in the last 10 years, barring crappy cd's, Geoff has always sounded great. I'd love to have the old Ryche back, as I'm sure most would, but I've written them off.
I last Queensryche in 06' in Knoxville when they did OMI and II back to back. Great show! Geoff still has an amazing voice but the new songs have shall I say it....too hum-drum, not enough punch. Will always be one of my favorite singers in the metal world.
While I enjoyed the video, I don't see how this proves much of anything. I didn't hear any of the old glory of Take Hold of the Flame or Queen of the Ryche in his voice. He's a good singer now. But he used to be an amazing singer.
I've never accused Tate of sounding like shit, but their current music sounds like it. With that said, I saw them in Knoxville a few years back during the OMII Tour and he sounded phenominal! Apparently he's taken care of himself and his voice over the shows here. Maybe one of these days he'll write some good music again.

If he could realize that he cannot write anymore, he could still release great stuff by working on projects with big names in Progpower world that can write. Just thinking for example if he could do something with Arjen Lucassen.
Tate needs to realize that nobody give a squirrel's ass about his new stuff. Once he does that, everything else will fall into place.