For fans of Enslaved...


Mar 18, 2002
...check out Fire Sermon.

I found this band on one of those side Facebook ads and their EP is available on Bandcamp for free (or a donation). I'm really digging this.
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While I definitely dig this, it sounds way too much like modern-era Enslaved to the point of parroting. And at that point, why not just listen to Enslaved?
While I definitely dig this, it sounds way too much like modern-era Enslaved to the point of parroting. And at that point, why not just listen to Enslaved?

While I do hear quite a bit of Enslaved worship in their music, I don't think it sounds *exactly* like them. The style of music Enslaved (and their ilk) play is one of my favorite and I can't have too much of a good thing. :kickass: