For Final Fantasy Fans

Plain fucking stupid? Yes.

Squareenix needs to stop whoring out this franchise for a quick buck. Shit, less than 3 months ago they said this game 50% complete, now they're shipping it out this year? Fucking hell they must be in need of money.
Probably something like "OMG TEH TIMEWARP".

Still, looks like it could be fun.
That hurt my brain.

I think I'd rather play Final Fantasy II (IV) again.

EH... the music is always good at least. The only one I ever played was 7 and that was great for the story but I'm not much of a gamer. I kind of wish they would just make movies or something cause I don't want to play a game for 40 hours to get a story that would take 2-4 hours to tell. Still 7 did have a great story...