For Fucks Sake..

That is fucked up! I tell you what else is fucked up reinventing hell was £6.99 in HMV two weeks ago, yesterday i saw it for £16.99
As you can tell this listing was submitted before the horrible news of Dimebag's tragic death. We have truly lost a legend!! I wish to send my sympathy to his family. What an opportunity to own an incredible axe that was signed by Dimebag Darrell!!

I hope he fucking burns.
If I'd own that and put up on auction I'd fukin withdraw it after the tragic event!!!
But then again I couldn't put it on auction in the first place.
i dunno what i find more questionable...selling this thing when it's even more of a collecter's item that will only increase value in due time, or selling it at all, or starting some vague fund for i dunno what purpose...I dunno Gav, not to insult you deeply or something, but I feel a slight hint of hypocrisy...he doesn't say it's for charity, he's honest. About that auction thing I'm not that sure. Hell, if I didn't know Dimebag and I don't really know him that well (well enough that I wouldn't sell a signed anything by him) i think his responses are not that weird. If you were selling it anyway, why not make some more money. What should he do then if he does want to sell it? Put it up for $11,12?!?
I don't think he's such an asshole. Just not the person with the biggest set of metal-values or something, but not no more an asshole than anyone making money on it, like the Tribute to Dimebag/Pantera that is bound to come out within a few months/years.
Heavenscent said:
i dunno what i find more questionable...selling this thing when it's even more of a collecter's item that will only increase value in due time, or selling it at all, or starting some vague fund for i dunno what purpose...I dunno Gav, not to insult you deeply or something, but I feel a slight hint of hypocrisy...he doesn't say it's for charity, he's honest. About that auction thing I'm not that sure. Hell, if I didn't know Dimebag and I don't really know him that well (well enough that I wouldn't sell a signed anything by him) i think his responses are not that weird. If you were selling it anyway, why not make some more money. What should he do then if he does want to sell it? Put it up for $11,12?!?
I don't think he's such an asshole. Just not the person with the biggest set of metal-values or something, but not no more an asshole than anyone making money on it, like the Tribute to Dimebag/Pantera that is bound to come out within a few months/years.

One: I didn't start that fund, it was the admins at the jackson forum.

Two: The money will go to a suitable cause once the money has been raised, there is a big discussion as to who/where it should go.

Three: Out of respect for dimebag, i would take my auction down right away... but whatever, i just think it's sick.
I mentioned that Dimebag was shot dead when we got a copy of 'Reinventing the steel' turn up at the 2nd hand store where I work, one of my fellow employees said "take it out the back and mark it up, things always become worth more when they die".

Some how I failed to see the humour.

It was all I could do to stop from Jumping the counter and throttling her.

Fun fun.
I didn´t mean that I would sell the guitar higher, but I see the man´s point. I would take it down too, don´t get me wrong, but I don´t think he deserves to be castrated or anything