For Ramones fans...Johnny not doing well...:(


safe in the cornfields
Posted by Blabbermouth:

Rolling Stone magazine is reporting that RAMONES guitarist Johnny Ramone is in a Los Angeles hospital battling prostate cancer. "Johnny's been a champ in confronting this, but at this point I think the chances are slim," drummer Marky Ramone told the magazine. "John never smoked cigarettes, he wasn't a heavy drinker and he was always into his health. It just proves when cancer seeks a body to penetrate, it doesn't matter how healthy you are or how unhealthy you are. It just seeps in and there's nothing you can do."

Johnny Ramone, 55, whose real name is John Cummings, was diagnosed with prostate cancer four years ago, and it has now spread throughout his body, quoted Marky Ramone as saying.

"I've been getting so much email from people and from papers and magazines wanting to know what was up I had to take it upon myself to say something, because eventually John won't be in any condition to say or do anything," Marky said. "He went through many chemotherapy treatments. Some of it worked better than others. At this point [the cancer] has started to go into other areas of the body."

RAMONES' singer, Joey Ramone (born Jeff Hyman), died in 2001 of lymphatic cancer, while bassist Dee Dee Ramone (Douglas Colvin) died from a drug overdose the following year.

I have so many fond memories of the Ramones. Me and my old rhythm guitarist in my first band back when we were 14-15 years old would sit there and play Ramones cds while chatting on the phone, and they made some great songs we played as well while we would warm up. I got to see them once a bunch of years back, it was a quick, solid set but I'll never forget it. I was right in the front; and I am so glad I got to catch these legends live.
First Joey, then Dee Dee, and I am HOPING Johnny pulls through...but it's not looking good. :( This really sucks.
fuuuuuuuuck :cry: this sucks, all the original ramones are dying. . .

hey fen. . i played a show a loooong time ago with Marky Ramone and the Speedkings
Tut Ankh Amon said:

and i think i'm the only one who doesn't care if the beatles die and does if the ramones do :p
count me in on that respect
I really dont give a shit about the beatles they can choke on some crack fror all i care

Ramones.... never wasi nto the punk scene in fact i almost dispise it.... but i respect all artists as ppl and in doing so i say that all ppl who actually get up off their ass and do something with their music (cept pop, and rap) are to be comended so i do commend the ramones for gettign up off their ass and kicking the punk scenes ass! Hail to em!
bodomite said:
I really dont give a shit about the beatles they can choke on some crack fror all i care

Ramones.... never wasi nto the punk scene in fact i almost dispise it.... but i respect all artists as ppl and in doing so i say that all ppl who actually get up off their ass and do something with their music (cept pop, and rap) are to be comended so i do commend the ramones for gettign up off their ass and kicking the punk scenes ass! Hail to em!

amen :headbang:
Fenrir13 said:
Yeah, as I said; the Ramones are quite dear to me in just plain 'dont give a fuck' punk rock played the way THEY did it, and not many other bands did it with their heart as far as I am concerned.

@bobvex: THAT is friggin' awesome! Where was this?
some dive that we played about 2 years ago, the bill was Us (the vex), D.I., and Marky Ramone and the speed kings. It was baaaaaaaad ass. . .and we played really well too. i was whammying harmonics like whoa. . .
:cry: That's sad news... I love the Ramones... the one band I listen to when I feel down and I always feel better when listening to 'em. That's too bad for Johnny. =(
This sucks. True innovator, brilliant song writer. Some of the first songs I learned on the guitar were Ramones songs. This would be a tremendous loss.